i'm waiting :) () () () ()

feathers flying

In the Brooder
6 Years
May 13, 2013
I picked up my 3 week old chicks, 4-6-13. So that makes them just about 4 months old. i just switched feed to layer feed. How much longer??? everyday i go down and look clean, change the water, feed, when can i start seeing eggs. They look so healthy and big now, When, When, When? somebody throw a egg at me to calm me down,,, lol.....
If they were only 3wks at 4-6-13, then they'd be about 10weeks old at this point. You may have some time to go would be my guess... Probably 2-3 months more?
What breeds? Breed make a huge difference about when they start to lay.

Sex links and white Leghorns tend to start laying around 19 weeks. You might have to wait as long as 30 weeks for Easter Eggers.
If they are only ten weeks they should not be eating a layer. Layer feed is nutrition for laying hens it does not help birds start to lay and is way too much calcium for a young bird which can cause long term health problems. I would keep them on a non-medicated starter or grower until they they are actually laying eggs. Then you can switch to a layer if you want or just add calcium like oyster shell.

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