I'm Worried.......Very Worried.

I got the same phone call on my cell phone last night. It was automated and said, "There has been a problem with your debit/credit card. Press 1 for more information" I pressed one, then the automatic voice asked for my debit card number...I hung up and checked the number on my phone, which showed up as 00000.

I know to never give my info, but it really burns me thinking that someone else could get scammed. If my grandmother got a call like that i don't know that she wouldn't have given them anything they asked for...
Everyone should be using it.

I do differ with many of the people posting here. Credit card fraud is
and has been a problem. The thing is you are only responsible for $50
and most CC companies don't do that either.

CC fraud and identity theft are 2 different issues. ID theft concerns me.

My cards have been hacked and charged on many times by thieves.
The companies took good care of me, especially American Express.

Everyone needs to have ID theft protection and credit monitoring.
My bank called itself doing me a favor one time. We actually went on vacation all the way to the Keys. We used my debit card most of the time. After we had been back for a few days they put a block on my card. They noticed the charges and stopped my card thinking it had been stolen. It was embarrassing when I found out becaue I was making a last minute purchase for a baby shower. Then I ended up having to order a new card. I didn't have any checks at the time so no back up.

I also had somebody hack into my EBay account and try to sell one of those overgrown golf carts. EBay caught it somehow and blocked the sale and I had to changed paswords and verify myself with Paypal. They saved me though.
About the people actually have a card, Ive heard its pretty easy to do. There was a segment on ABC, NBC or one of those companys, once showing how people do ID theft. There is a machine you can buy that you punch in all the numbers of the cc, the exp. date, etc info from the card and it prints you a whole new card out. There is the knock off brand one that just puts all the info on a plain jane white card with the test strip. They said that most people dont use those cause people alert to them real fast. Imagine someone using a plain white cc, would look kind odd huh?

THen there is a machine that is used a lot more often. You can also get these anywhere on the net. The main way the segment showed people using it was at restaurants. You give your card to the waiter and they walk off with it to go pay your bill. They will then pull this little black box out of there pocket and swip your card through it. Its about the size of a deck of cards or something. It send all the info from your card to a pc or a flash card. Nothing is charged to your card or anything, it just pulls all the info from your card so they can use it at a later date. They bring your card back to you and its as if nothing ever happened.

Pretty scary stuff.
Makes me want to only pay with cash. Scary scary stuff. For the average person a few hundred dollars makes the differance in paying the bills and being on the street. These low lifes don't care for a second though.
It was on Dateline I think. I saw it also. They just processed new cards that looked like the real ones.

I've had my identity stolen from a hospital where I had surgery years ago. That is even worse than a credit card. Your medical records, which you CAN'T fix, are incorrect. I could possibly recieve the wrong blood, and I'm allergic to certain medications which a hospital may have the wrong information on. It's ridiculus. I wasn't the only person it happened to at that hospital. There were about 40 of us who had our idenities stolen. The FBI was involved, and of course they never found the person/people responsible, and I was left to worry about getting bad medical care because some selfish person using my info to receive medical treatment
I won't even get into the bogus bills....

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I just tried to call the # on my charge card. They are closed til monday. so I went to my online acct and tried to log in but the account is closed due to an investigation.

So...I'm sure it was the real deal. and they didn't ask for any numbers from my card when they called today. Just trying to verify if I make purcheses in NJ, so I think it was on the level
I don't know if I want to use charge cards anymore.

OMG......what if it was a debit card. I'd be wiped out. Whenever I have to put my PIN in I always wonder if someone's watching me. Getting Paranoid Here!

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