Impacted Crop Issue


5 Years
Feb 25, 2016
We have a Easter egger hen that we are 99% sure has a impacted crop. We noticed it yesterday, and tried olive oil mixed with apple sauce and she ate almost all of it (it was close to a quarter cup of apple sauce and a generous amount of olive oil). That didn’t work. She is starting to act lethargic and sleeps in the nesting box. I believe she is getting the beginning of sour crop. She free ranges part of the day, and only has laying pellets in the coop and run. Any suggestions as to what I could do?

Crop this afternoon.
Poop in her nesting box from last night.
Did you massage the crop-how does that feel?

If the crop is impacted, olive or coconut oil would be good. You can also give some Dulcolax to see if that helps break it up - but massaging the mass several times a day also helps. Gently knead the crop for at least a good 5 minutes each time. (good instructions in both links below)

You may want to limit her activity for a couple of days until you get this cleared up. A kennel or dog crate in the run so she can see everyone works well. Provide her with water.

The lethargy is concerning. Crop issues can be a symptom of an underlying condition. When was the last time she laid an egg? Does she have any swelling/bloat or fluid in the abdomen (between her legs)? Check her well for external parasites and consider having a fecal float to rule out worm and coccidiosis overload.

Free ranging is great, most of the time birds find a suitable source of grit in the soil, but it never hurts to make poultry grit (crushed granite) available free choice-something to consider if you don't already provide it.

Crop issues and treatment:
Did you massage the crop-how does that feel?

If the crop is impacted, olive or coconut oil would be good. You can also give some Dulcolax to see if that helps break it up - but massaging the mass several times a day also helps. Gently knead the crop for at least a good 5 minutes each time. (good instructions in both links below)

You may want to limit her activity for a couple of days until you get this cleared up. A kennel or dog crate in the run so she can see everyone works well. Provide her with water.

The lethargy is concerning. Crop issues can be a symptom of an underlying condition. When was the last time she laid an egg? Does she have any swelling/bloat or fluid in the abdomen (between her legs)? Check her well for external parasites and consider having a fecal float to rule out worm and coccidiosis overload.

Free ranging is great, most of the time birds find a suitable source of grit in the soil, but it never hurts to make poultry grit (crushed granite) available free choice-something to consider if you don't already provide it.

Crop issues and treatment:
Thank you for the reply :)
We massaged her crop and it became softer, today she is feeling better and more active. I felt her crop and it was mostly empty, so I think she is fixed! We did more olive oil and lots of water.
Again, thanks!

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