Impacted crop, need help!

Tubing is a breeze once you get the hang of it. You need to get another quarter cup into him for a total of half a cup per treatment. If you have time tonight, try getting another half cup of solution into him before you go to bed. Then resume tomorrow morning with another half cup, then a half cup later in the day. Same on day three.
Tubing is a breeze once you get the hang of it. You need to get another quarter cup into him for a total of half a cup per treatment. If you have time tonight, try getting another half cup of solution into him before you go to bed. Then resume tomorrow morning with another half cup, then a half cup later in the day. Same on day three.
Will do 👍🏻
@azygous oh dang. I just re read the instructions and I gave him 1 teaspoon salts with only a quarter cup water. 😬I swear I saw quarter cup. 🤪 he did poop very watery poop with little tiny black bits. Possibly feed but not sure. He has been keeping his eyes closed more. Poor thing. I feel so bad for him. Also I did a second tubing just a bit ago with the 1/2 c water + teaspoon salts and I got most of it in and he started to fight me. His crop was pretty dang full. Hopefully things will continue to move.
I did add the enzymes. It doesn’t seem to hurt. If it’s a no no tell me. It’s plant based and supposedly helps dissolve/digest food. I’ll try and get another treatment into him before I leave tomorrow morning. He won’t eat or drink on his own anymore. Is there anything I can give him to help keep his strength up? Can I mix nutri drench with the Epsom salts? Something?
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No harm done with the wrong mix. Hopefully, this morning he's a little better. Before you give him the solution this morning, mix up one-fourth cup of warm water with one-half teaspoon of sugar, with pinch of salt and squirt in some poultry vitamins. Tube that into him and wait an hour to see if it perks him up before you do the next treatment.
You may offer him food in between treatments. He is in starvation mode and needs the nourishment. If you have strained baby food on hand, you can tube a fourth of a cup of that into him.
You may offer him food in between treatments. He is in starvation mode and needs the nourishment. If you have strained baby food on hand, you can tube a fourth of a cup of that into him.
I tubed him last night at 10:30pm. It’s now 8:00am and his crop is still so full of fluid. Can I over fill his crop? Do I drain some? Not sure all this is going to fit. I barely massage his crop and he starts swallowing and a little comes out. I’m trying not to make him vomit but if I need to I can.

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