Impacted crop


Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
I have a hen that has a large mass of hay in her crop. Massaging doesn’t break it down because it’s hay. She has been off food and only has grit and water in her cage. But nothing seems to be helping. I can get the impaction to go down but she brings it right back into her crop. She’s making the sideways head movements to adjust her crop too. Is there anything else I can do for her?
When mine had shavings in her crop she was near death. My vet made and incision in her crop and removed so much debris. It was the only way to save her.
True, sometimes this is the only way to treat a debris impacted crop.

Unfortunately, the OP started the thread a couple of weeks ago and has not replied back. Hopefully they have been able to resolve the issue by now.
Follow the treatments here:
Treat for both impacted crop and sour crop.

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