In Loving Memory of...

Nimueh Alene

7 Years
Apr 9, 2017
Sebastian county Arkansas
Post here if you want to share the story of your beloved feather baby that is no longer with us.
I'm starting this thread in memory of my precious Tribble who was killed by the neighbors dog walking to the nest box to lay a egg. She was a Silkie Serama mix ,tiny and just beautiful. She was a great broody hen with 100% hatch rate. She should have been in the run but she loved to forage with the big Girls. I'll miss her terribly.
sorry for your loss; clearly she brought you great joy, and raised others. So try to take consolation in the fact she had a happy fulfilled life.
Here is a story I wrote
Snow and snowy were light Sussex hens and they loved each other.
They were always together and followed each other around.

Snow and snowy
The story:

One night I forgot to shut the door to the hen house and a fox got in and killed snow.
Next morning snowy was fine and was eating with the flock, but then as she looked over to the other hens i think she noticed that snow was not there.
So she started to look all over the place for snow to no avail, then she saw the feathers, snows feathers, she just looked at them and then did a surprising thing, she collapsed into the ground and started making a wailing and moaning sound like she was in pain, I went over to her and picked her up she just carried on doing it.
So I took her inside and put her on the kitchen floor and fed her some food.
She stopped after awhile and ate the food I gave her, after she had finished a took her back outside and let her run around with the other girls, she was fine.
But it just shows that Chickens can and do mourn.

Thanks laura.
Post here if you want to share the story of your beloved feather baby that is no longer with us.
I'm starting this thread in memory of my precious Tribble who was killed by the neighbors dog walking to the nest box to lay a egg. She was a Silkie Serama mix ,tiny and just beautiful. She was a great broody hen with 100% hatch rate. She should have been in the run but she loved to forage with the big Girls. I'll miss her terribly. View attachment 1544047
Sorry for your loss. Hence the reason I usually carry a side arm with me you just never know. Were you around when this happened? A bat is always good to have also but that just means you'll need to get closer. Yet another example of an irresponsible dog owner.

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