In need of plan of attack for possible ear infection


Free Ranging
Oct 18, 2019
I was told to start a thread regarding this issue so here goes;

Is there anything I can buy at TSC or over he counter for a possible ear infection? My rooster has been dealing with an issue since last Oct and I have narrowed down the possibilities to a probable ear infection.

Symptoms have persistently been:
  • Stretching neck/yawning
  • Itching/head scratching
  • Shaking head
  • Weight loss (keel bone seems overly prominent)
  • Excessive grooming as if he is trying to get comfortable
  • Lots of water drinking
  • Barely ever crows, or expresses much interest in treats, seems pretty distracted by his ears
He exhibits the first 3 symptoms consistently all day: swallowing, itching, head shaking, often multiple times per minute.

No crop impaction. The other chickens with him have been 100% healthy. This issue began shortly after we moved downstate to a new area with lots of moisture in the soil.

I have treated his ears with peroxide & polysporin and have found evidence of yellow wax granules. No signs of infection or blockage in his mouth or in the opening in back of throat. The external area below his ears might be swollen, but I'm not experienced enough to tell for sure...

I included a video in a previous post and can include that if needed. It just shows vigorous head shaking, scratching, swallowing.

Be it that this is a viral or bacterial infection, what can I get, and how to administer, that will get this thing nipped and gone? Hoping there is something to be had over the counter or at TSC, if possible. Thanks in advance all ye poultry docs, official or otherwise!

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Can you get a really clear close-up picture of his ear?
He's really had it for the day and didn't trust the photographer, so I couldn't keep him very still to see down in his ear. Hope this is better than nothing! I have found some hard dark yellowish granules inside of his ears since beginning the peroxide treatment. I had already removed the visible ones prior to taking these photos.
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You dont want to force the ointment into the ear canal, just enough to fill it and that's all. If you force liquids or ointments, he will continue shaking his head to get rid of it. It's like having water in your ear and shaking your head to get it out. Same for him.
You dont want to force the ointment into the ear canal, just enough to fill it and that's all.
Ok, I may give him a day or so to rest his ears from all that I have put him through before trying a new ointment. Is there anything I can give him orally, to attack the infection (if that is what it is) from the inside out, as the lotrimin or neosporin would seemingly be working from the outside-in? Or should the ointment clear up the entire issue, given that it is a true infection?

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