in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Linda you eat the Jif silk too/ I buy the little 8 pack and devour it, and say I won't do it again. But I am such a LIAR!! I resisted buying it at Walmart and was so proud of myself. Only to go to Walgreens and buy 4 Dove milk chocolate bars and yes, you are right - ate them one after another.
ps No wonder spellcheck had a fit when I insisted Marshmallows were spelled Marshmellows. I had to see your reply to figure that out. Thanks.


ps No wonder spellcheck had a fit when I insisted Marshmallows were spelled Marshmellows. I had to see your reply to figure that out. Thanks.
Apparently, according to my botany professor, the pioneers made a confection from the spongy pith of wild swamp hibiscus and sugar water and called them 'marsh mallows' because wild hibiscus are in the mallow family. later someone came up with the gelatin egg white and sugar mixture that I have a crippling weakness for, Especially when you put them in the microwave for entertainment.

If you stack them up like a pyramid it is rather worrisome though, because you have to get that sticky mess out of there, so if you do stack them, do not try more than three at a time.

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