in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

I have to drip my water on windy cold nights, around 20 degrees or less. We got down around 0 degrees last night I think an the bathroom froze up even with it dripping. The valve for the shower that is in the wall between two heated rooms even froze an would not turn....

See, this is what we are usually doing. But's nice, enjoy not having to go through the hard winter, but we know what we need. When I lived in FL. Would go through GA..never had that kind of weather there, or in NC.
I sure hope you get things settled. It actually did freeze a few days in Jan..we had a pipe outside between the kitchen sink and the outside water split. My DH is in fact at this very moment, replacing the pipe, because, it's warm enough for me to use outside now.
We usually keep the lower kitchen cabinets open at night when it's below the 30's out there.
We have a few Walmarts around for sure. In fact, we have a Walmart going up in our town, just behind the Kmart. :/ Poor Kmart..won't be there much longer I'm sure. They have been closing down everywhere.
I remember back in the 70's when I was work, there was all of this hub bub about a Kmart opening in Orem..what's a Kmart I ask> gasp> you don't know what a Kmart is??? I guess they had been up north of the state for a while, but no, I hadn't. Now they are outta there..because of Walmart.
Our Kmarts are gone too but, Walmarts seem to go on forever and everywhere. They started out with great prices and then went up and up because other stores around them were getting more $$$$. They aren't the great deal they used to be. At least with groceries (we have a super walmart) you can combine your shopping in one store and for now they match prices from other chains which helps.
Hey 3 good eggs I resemble that. We don't have the extreme weirdo's that California or the south seem to thrive on at Wallys. But we have enough semi-weirdos so that I blend in just fine.

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