in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

I've posted other photos of the magnificent sculptures at Staglieno Cemetery in Genoa, Italy. We are working to restore and preserve these works of art, protecting them so they can continue to inspire for generations to come. We've already completed 5 restorations, and these two are almost done.

One of the best known and beloved sculptures at Staglieno Cemetery in Genoa is the 1881 monument to Caterina Campodonico, “The Hazelnut Seller”. A poor single woman, a street vendor, she worked selling nuts and sweets at fairs and festivals, and saved all her life to commission one of the most important artists of the time, Lorenzo Orengo, to sculpt her memorial. American Friends of Italian Monumental Sculpture sponsored her restoration this year; work is almost complete.
For Giving Tuesday, won't you help us restore more sculptures? All donations are matched, doubling your impact, so even small donations make a big difference.

This 1880 sculpture by Domenico Carli was covered with a dense layer of dirt and black crust, which was retaining moisture and attacking the surface of the marble. She is being cleaned with a combination of laser cleaning and application of a gel with mild solvents. This penetrate the pores of the marble, and, when removed after 20 minutes, lifts off the dirt. These are very delicate methods with no adverse effect on the marble. In this photo half of the sculpture has been cleaned, and her original beauty is returning.

You can see many more beautiful photos at

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