in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

HA cute! part owl no face!!
Aw, I just want to bury my fingers in that fluffy fur and give him skritches.
What an adorable pupper!

I have a friend who decided she wanted to breed Goldendoodles, but she wanted to do it right - get some good quality dogs of the two breeds to use as breeding stock. She said that breeders she contacted were OK with her breeding the dogs they were selling, until they found out she was intending to produce cross-bred puppies; at that point, they often got downright rude. I'm not sure what kind of subterfuge she wound up using to get the two dogs she eventually had, but the lack of quality in the mixes may partly be because the good dogs aren't being made available. If breeders are hoping that will make it harder to put the "designer dogs" out there, they are wrong, it's just going to make for more problematic pets for the people who want them.
Heaven knows, there are scads of poor quality purebreds available; if someone really wants to breed, the lack of quality won't stop them.

Tank fits my boy fine!
he distroys EVERYTHING in his path!

Tank reminds me of a rescue my husband and I had years ago. Bunsen clearly had some Shepherd in him, but whether it was German or Belgian, we were never sure. His coat was kinda wavy, rather than smooth, and it's hard to explain, but he looked like Tom Selleck . . . . Anyway, he was always getting into some kind of trouble, and his brother Cisco was right behind him. I'd be angry, absolutely breathing fire, and Bunsen would come to me and sit down, and you could just hear him thinking, "Sit. You never get in trouble by sitting." So of course, I couldn't fuss - he was doing what he was supposed to do, right? He'd cock his head to one side, and it was just like he was saying, "You're mad again. You really ought to see someone about that temper of yours." Gads I miss that dog!

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