in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

every time I say Pepper

OK, now picture a black-and-tan-marked Shepherd cross on the other end of that stick, and have them trotting out of phase so they are wrenching each other's heads around, and you have Bunsen and Cisco.

Bunsen and Cisco were real basket cases when we found them abandoned - about 10 months old, nearly starved to death, and scared of anything on two legs, particularly men. If my husband picked up anything even slightly resembling a stick, they would both run, or if they couldn't, they'd flatten themselves to the ground. It took a long time for them to learn to trust us. Every morning, my husband took the dogs (we had 3 little dogs in addition to the boys) for a walk in the agricultural field across from our house. After a while, he invented what we called 'the stick game' - he'd pick up a stick, wave it up and down at arm's length, and yell, "Stick, Bunsen, stick! Get the stick!" Bunsen would come tearing from wherever he was and launch himself into the air to grab the stick at shoulder height. After a while, Cisco started playing that game, too, and it sometimes caused dust ups because Bunsen was the dominant dog. One day, I was walking some distance behind my husband when he grabbed a stick and started calling. Bunsen was a couple hundred feet ahead of him, and he immediately spun around and came running. What neither my husband nor Bunsen could see was Cisco, who was about a hundred feet behind and to the right of my husband in the soybeans. Cisco came running, too, but a little slower because the beans were slowing him down. He emerged from the beans and launched himself into the air at the precise moment that Bunsen left the ground . . . . and there was a midair collision of two furry bodies under the stick. Once they picked themselves up off the ground, Bunsen had to get after Cisco for getting in his way, of course, but nobody got hurt. I had to pick myself up off the ground, too, because I was

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