in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

Awww....good person. Interesting looking bird.
It named here "gray crow". They are bigger as a simple black crow. 30 or 40 years ago they almost disappeared because they were afraid of people and settled far away, but then they settled down and began to live in cities and villages. These birds here quite aggressively guard their nests, and if such a crow has built a nest in the park, it attacks everyone who walks by.
Previously, these crows were predators, now they more often steal food of people and climb through the trash heaps.
They often decorate their nests with shiny objects, so sometimes people can even find a collection of watches, coints and teaspoons there.
12 Volt light from a very old bath cabin.
In the goose shed
And in the duck`s shed
Pasha, I wish you lived out here (USA) you do beautiful work. I would have you remodel or at least fix up the weak spots, in my home.

I know you get snow in Moscow but, do you get very hot weather in summer?

Now it is August, this month here it is quite cold at night (maybe even +6 C), and on the contrary it is hot during the day (sometimes +30 C). There will be snow here in winter, but this is good, because when there is no snow (little rainfall) the plants will can be damaged by frost. I wrote my location "Moscow", but i live not in Moscow, i live 50 km from Moscow in one small little-known (in Rusia) and totally unknown (in your country :) ) village. I rarely go anywhere, even to the nearest city I only went to the dentist, and before that I left the village only last year ))

And so I lead a slightly strange, semi-parasitic lifestyle here, i don`t work anywhere some years yet, and only constantly use all sorts of things from the world around me, and in my kitchen I have a strange combination of silverware and... dishes that someone threw in the trash. For example, I have a habit of walking around places where someone sets up landfills, and pulling out everything that may be useful from there. At the edge of the forest, someone got into the habit of throwing old glass, my neighbors went there to clean up so that garbage would not be lying around, but I got ahead of them and scooped out almost everything from there. My neighbor thought that I was going to clean up there, but I don`t clean there, i just came and took three carts full of old empty glass jars from cucumbers and other pickles. I brought them home, washed them with boiling water and detergent, washed them a little more with water and began to preserve cucumbers with an unperturbed face :D

Today I walked around my village and looked out for places where the owners of the plots did not mow the grass. Since they do not have goats or cows, they do not need grass and I quickly mow it and pick it up. Therefore, I really do not like well-groomed lawns - there is little grass from them, but when the place is running, i can very quickly mow a lot of grass there (i have 20 goats now and need to feed them).


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OMG i think this has not happened here since the 14th century. :eek:
we survived two world wars, the revolution, the invasion of Napoleon and the burning of Moscow to the ground, but nothing changed, the caramel on a stick was ALWAYS in the form of cockerels. From early childhood I remember this caramel, it was always called "cock on a stick".
Yesterday I went to the city for shopping, went to a grocery store, and...

I`s DUCKS! DUCKS!!! Ducklings!
My life will never be the same. :lol:
P.S. The ducks were delicious.

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