in this random rambling thread we post random pictures

I've read several things about guineas, Various sites & opinions, many mentioned that the birds are stupid...That is such an insult, I felt sad about that label. It actually just makes me have more compassion & patience for them.

It's true that some animals can be very silly. I had quite a goofy dog once, compared to my other dog, he did everything backwards, plus Every time he took a drink out of the water bowl, he left a puddle all over the floor, if one was barefoot & hit that puddle either it became a slip & fall on your duff or resemble someone flailing that just tried ice skates for the 1st time. He always needed to have his mush face wiped with a large towel, while my Niki, A dog even larger, & the same breed, Never spilled a drop of water when she got a drink. The male, truly acted & even resembled Goofy, with his facial expression.

Well, I just hope my Guineas will be sensible enough to appreciate the safety & comfort of sleeping in their coop. Time will tell.

What's cute is I gave them a gazebo in their pen, as the weather is still nice & my flock is enjoying sleeping in their gazebos. I am painting coats inside the guineas new coop, this week the interior will be done, all painted with perches, etc. So, when I moved them into their new pen with gazebo, they did go inside, relax in the shade & jumped up on the perch, but when it got dark they were huddled on the ground. Where I had them before, they'd jump up on a perch for sleep. I picked them up & placed them on the perch, but as I'd pick up the 2nd one, the 1st would jump back down...they were calm about it all, but I felt like I was in an Abott & Costello scene! 😆
I got a flashlight that has a low setting & hung it up inside the gazebo...they love a night light! They hopped right up & slept on the perch together. ❤️
Guineas love night lights! Too cute. I spoke to them softly, "nighty night sweeties", like tucking in little kids & they did these sweet little sounds back. I know...I'm so nurturing right? 😆 They are adorable. Later when I just had gotten undressed & had a shower, I heard someone sounding the alarm...there was a large skunk waddling around the yard, black underside with very wide white stripe on back. Guess he was digging for grubs? Guineas let me know Mr. Pepe' Le Pew was out & about. I stayed in. For 5 min Guineas & then all Roosters were sounding off. 😆 I thought it was pretty cool, actually.
How well do your guineas get along with your chickens? I've heard that they can be pretty mean to chickens. Especially the males. And that they will fight with roosters nonstop. Is that true?
I've thought about giving a hen some guinea eggs to hatch. I have so many roosters and cockerels right now, that I don't think the noise could possibly bother us. 🤣
How well do your guineas get along with your chickens? I've heard that they can be pretty mean to chickens. Especially the males. And that they will fight with roosters nonstop. Is that true?
I've thought about giving a hen some guinea eggs to hatch. I have so many roosters and cockerels right now, that I don't think the noise could possibly bother us. 🤣
I actually raised the baby chick guineas with some baby pigeons, they hung out & were the same size as eachother for a bit, and they even snuggled & perched together. When the Guineas got noticeably larger, they were still sweet with Pigeons but I moved them when the were still friends.

The guineas now have their own predator proof pen space. I'm still working on the interior coop this week, though. They are situated between the pigeon loft & another chicken coop, with pens all visible to eachother & they have always heard constant chicken as well as pigeon cooing sounds. I did read that they could become mean to chickens, so that's why I decided they should have their own coop. I strive for harmony here, So that's what I'm trying to provide, the best scenario to avoid anyone bullying. If I see any bullying at all, The bully, Or if they're all picking on one bird, That 1 bird gets moved ASAP. So far so good. I've only had one incident where suddenly everyone decided they didn't like a particular chicken so I moved her to a more gentle Mini flock.

Even pigeons can decide they don't like somebody and they could peck somebody in the head so badly, that the skin is gone. Luckily, if you can get that bird out of there, cleaned up & kept moist with Neosporin, it's amazing how quickly they recover & grow skin & new feathers again. One poor pigeon was scalped, That bird did grow skin back but always had a small bald spot. In the decades I've had birds, that hasn't happened often thank goodness. I have no idea why it happens at all, It's like suddenly somebody decides they don't like somebody else, Weird.

Anyway, I heard that if you raise them Together, yet able to have their own space, Things should be fine. It's when you've got them all cooped up together and no one really can find their own space for some privacy is when trouble starts. So yes, they are all together in the same vicinity, but they have their own coops and their own pens for privacy. I've heard that the Guinea's will notice when the chickens are headed back towards their coop, with dusk approaching & sometimes they will follow suit, And head to their own coop next door. I'm hoping that happens because if I have to call them in every single time, The days I work late, there will be guineas in the trees overnight, And actually I'd be worried sick because we have owls & raccoons around here as well as neighboring cats that roam around at night. I'm going to do my best, Get them used to a routine, That's all I can do really.

Last night was interesting though when they all chimed in together crowing and squawking about the skunk waddling around. That was teamwork! Is it enough to bond? Well maybe, in the "Hey there's an intruder near our home" aspect. It's a learning experience for me, I don't want to be a smother mother to the guineas but but I really do love them And want them happy and safe.

When Guineas were with the Pigeons

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