Increased incubation temperature for short period of time


6 Years
Apr 15, 2018
Hey guys!
This is my first time incubating eggs. I screwed up, and the temperature rose to about 42c(107.6f) for half an hour, maybe a bit more.
It's day five, what do you guys think? Is it a problem? Will any of them hatch, or is it not likely?
Thanks for the reply!
I hope at least a few of them will hatch. Is there any way to check individual eggs if they're still alive? Through candling or something?
Yes you might be able to candle them, I have had good success with button quail but I know some of the other kinds can be a bit tricky
I think it's more about the temperature of the egg. I think if the egg gets above 103 it dies but I'm not completely sure on that number.

I can candle my eggs and see pretty clearly with a bright LED light.
I've had temperature spikes up to 42C and my eggs have been just fine (even the Button quail eggs). It takes awhile for the internal temperature of the egg to reach the same temperature as the air outside it, so hopefully your eggs will be just fine.

A dead egg will develop a blood ring if it has died in the early stages of incubation, or the embryo will look very black and lack any veining around it depending on where they are at in their development. They need a very bright candling light to see past all those spots. If in doubt leave it in. Due to their shorter incubation period there's very little chance of a quail egg exploding in the incubator.
Thanks for the answers guys, I really appreciate it!

I candled them today, out of twelve eggs 9 have visible veining and look very similar.
One was different, there were no veins, but there was blood in one spot(I suppose this is what's called the blood ring).
The other two I'm not sure, the egg shell is too dark and I couldn't really see anything. I'll leave them in the in the incubator.

They should hatch in about a week, I will report back.

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