Incubating and hatching eggs chat thread!!

Its addictive. I'm a little more forgiving than is normal. If I get one out of 12 I consider it a good hatch. There are just too many things that can go wrong

SAY IT ISN'T SO!! That would break my heart! I feel irritated when there is a large number of clears. But I don't consider them a loss as if they developed.
Going the SOP route is something Ive been building towards for a little over a year. I have no intention of showing my birds. I would however like to get things to where I could give them to the ag and 4H kids so that THEY could show them. :)

So honorable! I have an FFA kid... in fact it's how we started with chickens.

I have yet to sell a chick; only gifted them. It's probably why I get more irritated with dud eggs.
Lots of people eat Cornish hens. Our store sells them. They are little, but perfect for a single person or a couple. Of course production ones aren't bred to SOP LOL

I would never spend big bucks on eggs from anywhere as a first time hatcher or using an unknown bator for the first time. Get experience on local bym eggs and if you don't want to keep mixes sell for cheap or give them away if they hatch. Once you have an idea of how well the bator works and how to monitor humidity then venture into putting money into what you want.

You would need to make sure they sent no more than 7 eggs.

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