Incubating chicken eggs with a duck


Feb 23, 2019
High Desert, California
So my Muscovy is sitting on a nest of about thirteen eggs right now and one of my chickens started laying a couple eggs. Is it ok to add those eggs to the duck eggs, let her incubate them and remove them when they start pipping? I don’t know the breed of chicken cuz I got them from a neighbor who also doesn’t know. I think they’re some kind of mix. So I don’t know if she will incubate them herself.

I know chicken eggs take about 21 days and Muscovy eggs take about 35. The duck eggs are about a week to two weeks old. The chickens are only a couple days. Also if the chicks hatch completely and we remove them does that risk her abandoning the nest?
I wouldn't put them with the duck eggs because they have a different hatching times. Removing the chicks that hatch may confuse the duck into thinking that she does not have to sit on the nest anymore because everything has hatched even if there are eggs left. I would not bother the duck at all while she is sitting on the eggs because bothering them too much can cause them to leave the nest and the ducklings will die.

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