incubating ducks and chicks together


7 Years
May 14, 2013
I set more eggs last night, and I was informed that I will be getting duck eggs in a week to put in the incubator as well. I have never hatched ducks before. I dont even know where to start, but what about having them together. does the humidity need to be higher? same temps? I suppose I could incubate them in the hatcher and move the chicks into it since they should go into lockdown at the same time!

AH! I love these "problems"!
I incubated duck eggs at 45% humidity and 99*F (forced air incubator). That worked well for me. The only problem I see here is the chicken eggs would hatch nearly halfway through the duck eggs' incubation.
i just set a dozen last night, so If I put the duck eggs in, in a week, wont they hatch at the same time? thats about the same temp i have for my forced air, but I usually have the humidity around 30-35%.
omgoodness.. i am such a ninny sometimes.. i just realized i had that backwards!! the duck eggs would go in first then the chicks a week later... well at any rate... there would be about 2 weeks difference, so the hatcher should be cleaned and ready by then!
Yeah, unfortunately you got them the wrong way round. If you set duck eggs yesterday you could've set the chicken eggs a week from now, more or less... But if you have a hatcher you can transfer the chicken eggs when they are ready to lock down. Handy!

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