Incubating Eggs in Horizontal Position


All will be well, and that will be well is well.
Aug 3, 2018
Black Hills, South Dakota, USA
I’ve been shopping for an incubator and would rather not go too much over $200 for now. I think I’ve settled on one, but egg position is worrying me.

The egg turner included with the Hovabator 1588 (Amazon) doesn’t use egg cups. You lay the eggs in, on their sides, and the rails (kind of a grid of rails) apparently travel in a circuit (remaining flat and horizontal to the bator all the while.) This movement rolls the eggs from side to side—continuously, I suppose.

I’m contemplating whether to buy this incubator. Everywhere I read people advising that the eggs must be placed broad end up, yet there is no provision for doing this with this incubator (in older models, egg cups are used, but this is apparently the latest model). It has very good reviews... most people report satisfactory hatch rates. Obviously the broody hen does not orient her eggs broad side up but (at least for the most part, horizontally. Maybe, like so many (all?) things in the sciences, the prevailing opinion has changed?
It looks like Incubator Warehouse is the seller for those on Amazon. I just looked on their website and you can get the 1588 and vertical turner for 190.00 plus $15 shipping. (You have to add them separately). The kit you are looking at is on sale there for 184.00 plus shipping. They ship fast and have great customer service. It’s whichever way you want to go. We handturned eggs horizontally for a lot of years. Hens hatch them horizontally.
My thoughts exactly, hens don't sit on eggs large side up/pointy down, they're on their side. I did hatch eggs in a real cheap incubator years ago, one their side and all was fine. What you do need to to is calibrate the temp & humidity.

It's shipped eggs that need to rest upon delivery pointy side down for at least 24hrs for the air cells to "settle". I've read in some instances where they cut egg cartons to set the eggs in, in the incubator.
Thanks so much, everyone! What you say makes perfect sense and I did need the reassurance though I probably shouldn’t have. I really appreciate the feedback and your sharing your experience! So helpful not to be alone.

Looking at the Incuview, I think I like it better. Not styrofoam, smaller, better visibility. If I eventually need more room, it should be great for lock-down (but I think it’ll be plenty big enough for anything I’m gonna need to do.)

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