Incubating for the first time!

Miss Ducky

9 Years
Jun 29, 2010
I will be getting two fertilized eggs from my aunt on Tuesday to incubate. She brought me two today but both turned out to be dead
She'll candle the next two before she brings them. They're either a khaki campbell/pekin mix or a runner/pekin mix. She has a duck who is sitting on a clutch of eggs and she's worried she'll leave the nest so she's having me incubate two from the clutch just in case. We're not entirely sure how long the duck has been on the nest, I estimate about 16 days. I know it's not the best of circumstances but there was recently a tragedy on my aunts farm and we're so anxious and excited for new life. She had two of her rescue dogs escape the run and kill two of her ducks, including her only drake, a rooster, and two of her alpacas, including her prize female. We had thought the hen on the nest had died as well, she hadn't been seen for days, but she was just hiding her nest really well! I had taken what we thought were her two remaining ducks before we realized the hen was still alive and broody, so the poor girl's alone right now. Is there any chance she'll be more likely to leave the nest if we get her a companion before the eggs hatch? She's a runner. Anyway, I'm so excited to have ducklings again this year! I probably won't keep these as we already have 5 ducks, so after they hatch they'll either go back to my aunt or to a program at my church for the sunday school and to give the eggs to the community. (Which I'll direct) Just thought I'd share! I'll post pics when the hatch and as soon as I find that darn computer cord for my camera!
I plan on raising them in separate brooders for some time after they hatch to help them be friendlier with humans. I was thinking between 1-3 weeks. Does anyone have any suggestions on how long I should do this, and how to introduce them to each other when I put them together?
All the eggs turned out to be dead
I think the hen overloaded the nest. Mom won't let me order eggs either, so no duckling for me this year. *cry*

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