Incubating turkey and duck eggs FOR THE FIRST TIME... HATCH DAY April 23... Want to join? Hatch-Along

Happy Camper

7 Years
Jul 19, 2012
Puerto Rico
I am incubating 4 turkey eggs and 2 pekin eggs today... to make things more complicated I am adding chicken eggs next week. I think I can pull it off. We'll see...
i have 30 button quail in the incubator right now and hatch date should be the 13 of april. i should be getting more button eggs friday and the hatch date for them should be about the 14th of april maybe the 15th

this is my first time incubating eggs as well.
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i have 30 button quail in the incubator right now and hatch date should be the 13 of april. i should be getting more button eggs friday and the hatch date for them should be about the 14th of april maybe the 15th

this is my first time incubating eggs as well.
That's great you are joining Kuro! Is actually my second time incubating (I just moved 8 chicks to the brooder 2 days ago) but will be my first time incubating turkey or duck eggs and moreso ... at the same time...

It will be fun

Did you start with 30 or you just have not had any loses? Do you have 2 incubators where you start your second batch?

Mine is a small still air incubator that only accomodates 48 chicken eggs, but on its first batch worked really well. I set 9 and 8 hatched. The one I lost was on day 10 more or less...

Well, hope you have a great hatch... so exciting!
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started with 30..and just got my other 30 this morning but sadly one was cracked so only 29 will go into the bator later tonight. and that brings my total number of eggs up to 59
Ill join you. I have 15 Turkey eggs in the incubator set on mar 24 and 3 Marans eggs that I set 31. If all goes well they should hatch Sun April 21st. A little earlier than you but I thought it was close. I candled the turkey eggs last night and only 6 were fertile, 9 were not which means one of my hens isnt being mated yet. I probably wont candle the Marans eggs since they are so dark but I might around day 14.

I also just set another 14 Turkey eggs this morn hoping for better fertility results. Ill add chicken eggs next mon to hatch along with those ones also.
Cool you are joining! I added 13 chicken eggs yesterday to my original batch of 4 turkey and 2 duck eggs. I just have one bator so I am crossing my fingers to get a syncronized hatch
Turkey and duck eggs look great. I am only a bit concerned about the air cell of one of the duck eggs... it looks kind of small.

Chicken picking... this is my first year raising turkeys and ducks, and I have a question... I am not sure both my turkey hens have mated. I have placed two nests in their pen and one nest has 9 eggs already that I have not candled. I am just waiting for one of them to sit soon. Should I allow one Tom with them in the pen for a while? Could this discourage broodiness? The Toms flirt with them every morning through the fence and they seem very interested but the last time I let one hen out (I guess it was the one that is laying) she flew over the fence and I had to rescue her. I think she was just looking for a place to make her nest.

It will be 2 weeks since they started laying and they have not sat... how long should I leave them these eggs?

lquote name="chicken pickin" url="/t/759710/incubating-turkey-and-duck-eggs-for-the-first-time-hatch-day-april-23-want-to-join#post_10839990"]Ill join you. I have 15 Turkey eggs in the incubator set on mar 24 and 3 Marans eggs that I set 31. If all goes well they should hatch Sun April 21st. A little earlier than you but I thought it was close. I candled the turkey eggs last night and only 6 were fertile, 9 were not which means one of my hens isnt being mated yet. I probably wont candle the Marans eggs since they are so dark but I might around day 14.

I also just set another 14 Turkey eggs this morn hoping for better fertility results. Ill add chicken eggs next mon to hatch along with those ones also.
HATCH DAY!!!! My ducks have pipped and turkey/chicken eggs are rolling
... I am a bit concerned cause I have the gutt feeling chicken egs will be a day appart. They are not rolling as much as turkey eggs and I hear no peeps... I guess I will have to move duckies and turkeys to the brooder a bit earlier cause I don't want them picking and bumping on the unhatched eggs...

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