INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I have been using a bendy straw to add my additional water since I'm in lick down. You could add a wash cloth and drip water on it as need.
We use an old airline hose from the aquarium similarly! Works great! Anything small enough to fit through the hole and manuver around! It's a permanent part of Uglybator for us, after learning the hard way we needed it!
"Hey the Humidity is too low"
"well we're not supposed to open we're on lockdown"
"let try [insert every possible crazy idea here]"
"craaaaaap you are spilling water everywhere!"
"gah this is ridiculous! next time we are doing something different!"
Oh yes, I had that exact same conversation with myself that then lead to many experiments. Thankfully I am home by myself most of they day, otherwise I'm sure my husband would have had me comitted already! :D
Uuggh, my hands are hard to catch but so far I've been able to leave them alone. When the eggs were set it was mid-day so I'm not really expecting any major events until later this evening. Do you think one day early (day 17) on measuring the last air cell they could have made up the needed loss? Or should I drop the humidity a bit more to slow them down?
your fine!!!

Update, day two starts about 6 tonight technically. I had a temp spike overnight, up to 105 but I got it cooled back down and I think everything is o.k. turner is working, eggs seem fine.

I would love to know how to add water to a bator with an auto turner, you know so it doesn't spill?
anyone know where that image ron has of that water he uses in his auto turner???? he cuts slits in the lid of one of those tiny salad dressing containers and puts it in one of the egg slots.

I'm in lockdown now at day 19. Do I need to change anything? The lines were drawn on day 17.
your good! no frettting now!

in my signature box below..... is an assisting guide article I wrote as well, in there it explains what those chicks are doing in there, read read read... and understand what they are doing and why it takes so long, they needed you during the first 18 days, now its up to them to do the hatching!

I've been sticking a straw down through the vent hole so it goes below the turner and a child's medicine syringe stuck in the other end of the straw to add water in small amounts.

your fine!!! 

your good! no frettting now!

in my signature box below..... is an assisting guide article I wrote as well, in there it explains what those chicks are doing in there, read read read... and understand what they are doing and why it takes so long, they needed you during the first 18 days, now its up to them to do the hatching! 


Thank you everyone. First time hatcher here and with all the reading i've done I am super paranoid! I'm Relaxing... Taking a breath...;)
Keep us posted about your hatch. I have wondered about hatching eggs from MPC

Will do! I heard they switched from Gabbard farms which got terrible reviews.

What breed did you get?

4 Carolina blue sex link EEs, 1 barred Olive Egger, 1 Ameri-Flower and 1 super blue egg layer.

All are designer but I am so intrigued! :)

All seven still alive on day 15. :jumpy
I'll join!! I wont be hatching till spring since it gets to cold here in minnesota but will chat and help when I can and come this spring you will see lots of baby pics!!
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