INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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She's moving more now

She still absorbing that yolk internally
make sure you let her dry off in there before removing her
dont want her getting chilled when she is weak
Do we have a Mycoplasma article started? I skipped some sections but know that several people have talked about it. I suspected it in my flock at one point but they all got better as quickly as they got sick and after I cleaned the coop so I thought about possible environmental irritants too. I don't even think there's a chicken doctor within an hour of me.
She still absorbing that yolk internally
make sure you let her dry off in there before removing her
dont want her getting chilled when she is weak

Thanks guys! I think the wet rag I had put in, when I took her out to assist, spiked the humidity... I admit I snatched it out. Here is a fun one... This was from @Papa Brooder's "rainbow pen"- an extra he had thrown in. The shell was such a thick, dark, green, I never once could see anything but the air cell. Not knowing if there was even life in there- I tossed it in with the rest... Voilá!!!

Last but not least, what do you do with "hard hat" chick? She's got old shell and umbilical shrapnel dried to her pretty good...
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That woman has no right to hold a veterinary license

Do vets not have to take a version of the Hypocratic Oath, the same as MD's?
I do believe that vets are able to choose the type of practice they will do, same as a MD. So, if the vet did mainly dogs and cats, they wouldn't be compelled to work on exotics or farm animals. Does that make it right? Absolutely not. IMO, she refused to help b/c she didn't see the money return for treating a single bird, and then perhaps having to prescribe med for the entire flock.

So- what do you boys think of this one...? She's a huge Bielefelder that was going on 2.5 hours zipping. @Sally Sunshine and I knew she'd be a tough one. I had dropped the egg two weeks ago and repaired the cracks with candle wax. On day 18, her AC was running nearly vertical. I set her in the carton to hatch. At the 90 minute mark I flicked some shell off (honestly thought she was dead at that point) and waited. I was able to figure out she was turned around and stuck behind her own wing. I made the call and finished zipping for her, and gently removed the top. She finally managed to wriggle out but hasn't really opened her eyes. Do I need to rinse her (or wipe) her head or anything? Can you see into the shell? See anything of concern? Thanks guys! I'm a wreck over here! Of all of them I really wanted this miracle baby to make it!

let lay as long as you can stay out of the bator .
@gotro17 : BYC gave you good advice. You did well. You called it right on the assist, and only assisted as much as you needed to do. It's a miracle that a chick made it to final stage in a cracked egg. Most don't turn out so well! Give her lots of time to recover. Don't open the bator. At this point, there's not much that you can do for her in the next 12 hours or so. But, when she's up and dry and moving around, assess her for any orthopedic problems, and you might want to get some Poultry Nutri-Drench into her. I always keep it on hand. Especially for any chicks stressed at hatch, but give some to all of my chicks in the first 2 weeks, usually on an every other day schedule.
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Thanks guys! I think the wet rag I had put in, when I took her out to assist, spiked the humidity... I admit I snatched it out. Here is a fun one... This was from @Papa Brooder 's "rainbow pen"- an extra he had thrown in. The she'll was such a thick, dark, green, I never once could see anything but the air cell. Not knowing if there was even life in there- I tossed it in with the rest... Voilá!!!

Last but not least, what do you do with "hard hat" chick? She's got old shell and umbilical shrapnel dried to her pretty good...
Beautiful bonus chick!

Wash with warm water and put in brooder or back in bator.
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