INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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. Thank you! I took the far screw off, moved the motor, put the trays in the arm, moved the arm into the turner thingy, put the turner thingy back on motor and then motor back into place and screws tightened. Have Bator running now with extra hygrometer testing it now.
. I have a second hygrometer but need a battery. Good thing I am testing
I have a cabinet incubator the same size as the GQF that I am hatching in right now. Good to know that dark eggs are not easy to hatch. I might just switch my darkest eggs and put them under the broody hens and take their eggs and finish incubating their lighter eggs.

you having good luck or is it where these eggs are ? one thing I noticed right away was how it is able to drop humidity very quick . I haven't had a good broody in years that's why I'm incubating'
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CH how you doing young man ? you doing Muscovy's now
I have had a female muscovy for about four years.I found her walking in my yard as a duckling.and never had a drake.well someone messaged me yesterday on here they have they want five dollars for him.and I am trading a extra Silkie roo I have for another female muscovy.
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I have had a female muscovy for about four years.I found her walking in my yard as a duckling.and never had a drake.well someone messaged me yesterday day on her they have they want five dollars for him.and I am trading a extra Silkies roo I have for another female muscovy

we had those once ducks make a mess . so what you got incubating now ?
you having good luck or is it where these eggs are ?
This is my first round with this incubator. And this is the incubator that the eggs are currently in. One chick piped this morning and within three hours it zipped and hatched from the time it pipped. No problem. The only thing that I dont like is how loud the fan is other than that I really like it and it keeps temp well. I just need to get a hatcher and hatch every 7 days so I can get the hang of this hatching stuff. The way it looks if I continue to get the majority of males. I will have lots of hatching practice to get my quota of 20 female welsummers.
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This is my first round with this incubator. And this is the incubator that the eggs are currently in. One chick piped this morning and within three hours it zipped and hatched from the time it pipped. No problem. The only thing that I dont like is how loud the fan is other than that I really like it and it keeps temp well. I just need to get a hatcher and hatch every 7 days so I can get the hang of this hatching stuff. The way it looks if I continue to get the majority of males. I will have lots of hatching practice to get my quota of 20 female welsummers.

and you'll be like me three hundred chickens and a very large feed bill .
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