INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Haha,keep making fun of me.
You brought it on yourself, Seth,

You need 7 cabinet 'bators like you need 2 heads. What you need is a reality check

Where are you going to get the money to build them? They don't give the components away

Where are you going to get the money to buy enough eggs to fill them? You can't expect to continue getting all your eggs shipped to you for free

Even if you managed to get all those eggs, and somehow managed to hatch even 50% of them, where would you get rid of that many day-old chicks on a regular basis?

Where are you going to get the layers to produce that many eggs? You can't rely on people to give you that many hens. Even if you could, they're not going to give their best breeding stock away.

With the volume you're talking about, you'd soon flood the local market; then what? Even if you started shipping eggs, the shipping charges alone would keep you broke until you could get a reputation for supplying eggs from top-of-the-line breeders.

You better spend some time thinking this through before you jump into it.
Thank you and yes, please post pics and background. We have 12 onsite and another 14 that we co-own. We breed both working and show lines out of Germany and Czech Republic. Black/tan, black/reds, long coats, short coats and whites on a silver gened sable. If you look back a few pages, we just had 2 new white working line pups flown in from Germany out of Schutzhund parents. Looking forward to the pics.
beautiful dogs. One of our local police department canines is Gunner. Great dog.
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14 Members, 7 Guests
BantyChooks Fire Ant Farm PeachickieS5apiotrowski Ur-ur-ur-urrr Yorkshire coopbilliejw89 casportpony chicken hawk 33ekalbach kwhites634 tao chicktarnegol150 vizslamom
Didn't see your name your list, but here you are plain as day. Are you hiding from yourself???

Good morning, Kathy! After reading the article you posted, it reminded me of something I saw in the laying house run a couple of days ago. There was a rather large milky-looking puddle in the run, like one of the hens had explosive diarrhea. No solids, just a translucent white fluid. That was the only time I've seen it, and it happened to be the same day one of my hens started laying again. She laid a "rubber egg", and I attributed the diarrhea to her system being a little out of whack as she starts a new laying cycle. Is that normal, or am I just grasping straws?

And good morning to all the other crazy chicken people of the world!!!
@Sally Sunshine went to bed with 7 ducklings, woke up to 9, plus 2 more pipped, and my goose that pipped is starting to zip. Today is day 29!
14 Members, 7 Guests
BantyChooks Fire Ant Farm PeachickieS5apiotrowski Ur-ur-ur-urrr Yorkshire coopbilliejw89 casportpony chicken hawk 33ekalbach kwhites634 tao chicktarnegol150 vizslamom
Didn't see your name your list, but here you are plain as day. Are you hiding from yourself???

Good morning, Kathy! After reading the article you posted, it reminded me of something I saw in the laying house run a couple of days ago. There was a rather large milky-looking puddle in the run, like one of the hens had explosive diarrhea. No solids, just a translucent white fluid. That was the only time I've seen it, and it happened to be the same day one of my hens started laying again. She laid a "rubber egg", and I attributed the diarrhea to her system being a little out of whack as she starts a new laying cycle. Is that normal, or am I just grasping straws?

And good morning to all the other crazy chicken people of the world!!!
Howdy, friend Joey. I trust everything is glorious in your world today?

I may need some help. If this hatch is a success I will become addicted to hatching. I can feel it now. I can see it now me struggling to sell chicken after chicken.

Ms,@Sally Sunshine how did u do with your goose eggs
I set them last night

Quote: YES true story

Quote: @flocktastic

HUMIDITY Humidity is NOT a set number!

Its a tool to get the correct weight loss in the egg! post #8924 see Hatching Eggs 101

WHY do we need less humidity to get the best weight loss for colored hatching eggs during incubation? post #36320
KEEPING MOLD and BACTERIAL from growing in water WELLS during incubation post #1644
TIPS n TRICKS to raising humidity in incubators post #42512

UPDATE: I have pulled extremely helpful NOTES, LINKS &
Post Links from the Incubation w/ Friends thread
for EVERYONE'S convenience and will continue to put them HERE:

@Sally Sunshine

Update. Pulled 8 out of the dozen shipped eggs. They were on day 7 and no veins at all. Cracked them open don't think they were fertile. Think this is just membrane right? First time with the eggtopsy stuff so i wasnt sure what to expect. Let me know thoughts please. Added 37 of mine for the Easter HAL. Hoping for better results out of them.
I dont think I saw that white like that it looks hard lol @casportpony I cant open this up enough to view it. thoughts?

MS,@Sally Sunshine
yes dear?

Quote: lol
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