INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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The road outside my house is pretty busy but I've at least got a bunch of woods right out my back door. My neighbors mind there business and stay off my property and I mind my business and stay off theres. Works great.
Somehow every time my neighbors and I see each other in the back yard we start talking, and then it's dinner time so we all just pitch in and have a dinner party. Last week we all went to my house. I had salad, neighbor A had chicken and neighbor B made noodles with alfredo so we just combined it all and had chicken alfredo with salad. I love my neighbors. Haha. They are so much fun.

Here is some DIS links:

For the ones that hatched, was a necropsy done or a possibility if the issue continues.

Were all the DIS and early deaths from same flock/breeding pairs? Could be genetic issue.

Thanks I will look at those. Yes they are all from the same 4 hens and 1 rooster.
after hatch are their bellies big and filled with water? you dont assist them do you?
I do not assist them. Two hatchers looked normal (fat bellies) but one looked as if it had no was absorbed and all but it's belly was really small. The DIS all looked normal.


So, here's an opinion question: When do you throw out your clear eggs that are in the incubator? And is it known if they can be eaten by people or animals?



I usually scramble them up and feed them back to the chickens. However, my husband DID eat my pan of scrambled ones once (I was like...:where did the eggs for the chickens go?!?") and didn't have any stomach upset. So I suppose you could eat them...

Well we have 5 new chicks again, and though I sold the first batch withing 24 hours, I have gotten ZERO bites for this batch....oh well if no one gets them pops will have five more!
Morning all! Late hatching chick seems perfect, no spraddle leg! I candled the 4 remaining eggs, 1 is internally pipped, but not moving, 1 other is drawn down nicely, but no movement. The other 2 don't look like they have done anything, no draw down, no movement. I'll leave them in for the rest of the day, Tomorrow, I'll take em out then clean and retire the death bator for good!

Although hatching 9 out of 10 silkies (my own) and 10 shipped Salmon Favorelles that had only a couple of wonky air cells in the beginning, I can't call it the death bator any more.
Morning all! Late hatching chick seems perfect, no spraddle leg! I candled the 4 remaining eggs, 1 is internally pipped, but not moving, 1 other is drawn down nicely, but no movement. The other 2 don't look like they have done anything, no draw down, no movement. I'll leave them in for the rest of the day, Tomorrow, I'll take em out then clean and retire the death bator for good!

Although hatching 9 out of 10 silkies (my own) and 10 shipped Salmon Favorelles that had only a couple of wonky air cells in the beginning, I can't call it the death bator any more.
Congrats on the chicks and changing the name
Somehow every time my neighbors and I see each other in the back yard we start talking, and then it's dinner time so we all just pitch in and have a dinner party. Last week we all went to my house. I had salad, neighbor A had chicken and neighbor B made noodles with alfredo so we just combined it all and had chicken alfredo with salad. I love my neighbors. Haha. They are so much fun.

Thanks I will look at those. Yes they are all from the same 4 hens and 1 rooster.
I do not assist them. Two hatchers looked normal (fat bellies) but one looked as if it had no was absorbed and all but it's belly was really small. The DIS all looked normal.

I usually scramble them up and feed them back to the chickens. However, my husband DID eat my pan of scrambled ones once (I was like...:where did the eggs for the chickens go?!?") and didn't have any stomach upset. So I suppose you could eat them...

Some people like there neighbors and I have no problem with that..........I'm not one of those people
Than again I'm not much of a people person either.
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