INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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baby number two has hatched
O.K.......I think I'll have to take your word for it :p
Yes, do. Believe me, I get uhhh "exposed" to lots of kinds of yuk, and I am very healthy. So, it must help!
:lau :goodpost: :drool
Well guys, things aren't looking too good for my Emu eggs :( My egg that was wiggling and peeping is now dreadfully still and silent. There's also another stinker in there. I can't find it when I sniff test each egg individually, but I can smell it when I open the incubator. Oh well, hubby said I can try again next year when eggs become available again. Someday, I will have Emu in my pasture! On a brighter note, I picked this little cockerel up from the post office yesterday! When he gets out of quarantine, he's got some pretty ladies waiting for him! My chickens are about to get REAL funky!!!!!!
What do emu do? Protect the pasture?
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