INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Is it okay to leave them overnight now? The humidity is at 71%, and they look moist. Their bills are out...
@mlm Mike @Chaos18
@Fire Ant Farm Your chicken pictures were nice. What type is the escaper? It was pure dumb luck to catch the kid mid leap, but cool. @LittleLakePhil congratulations on the five :celebrate Any progress on the other pip? How many are left? Your thumb can go with mine. I rasped my knuckle rasping goat feet. @Ur-ur-ur-urrr I am curious what you find with your trios, as I have a Welsummer trio I was going to sell since not enough survived for him. Have you candled the second HRIR batch yet? I loose track of my days much less someone else's ;) @kwhites634 Glad to hear your GGC is hear with her and mom OK. I'm also glad you figured out the egg issue. At least if you're making mistakes you are still alive and doing :tongue @mlm MikeHi! No you did not miss hearing. One I have been too busy to be back, and two I won't know till class Tuesday night at the earliest. I did well on the last two belts, but I messed up a couple of basic techniques. I corrected, but I am expected to rock those. I hope he gives us a bit of leeway since Matt and I have taught five of the last seven weeks while he was working. That cut into our time. On top of how much I missed with my ankle I felt out of practice on a body. I can nail them in the air, but sometimes if it has been a while a body can throw you a bit. For me it is getting the height and depth since in the air your imaginary opponent is your height, and you don't have to adjust your strikes to place them where they need to go, but either make light contact or hit a close body part instead. Like you strike a collar bone lightly on what in reality would be a strike to the trachea. We shall see. We can pass, fail, or be asked to retest certain elements. @Sally Sunshine Any Brahma yet? Nice hatch. @DwayneNLiz Cute town. Love the moose. We had one big old bull stand on the highway about ten feet from the car for the longest time before he left. Huge rack on him.
I love moose! When I was in grade school I saw them every morning button it is getting less n less, the last tim e that really mattered I was following my DH out, he was driving our Camaro I was following, and the moose came down a SUPER steep embankment towed the side of said Camaro, saw the car but couldn't back pedal near as fast as she wanted was skidding and sliding into the road with me driving a big old Tahoe barreling toward it. Ahhhhh!!!! She barely got out of the way omg big huge long legs everywhere!
Thanks, please see my update to my last post. I forgot my reply to you that was in my notes from 800 posts.
only 800?
One Pekin is on its way! I heard the birth yell, and now I'm hearing the "I'm here and scared" cry. Holy!!!! Brb!
Bubbles' EHAL baby, Sunny! This is the EE x sultan. SOOO cute. :love
I love him!!
This is what happens when you let your guard down in close proximity of a protective rooster @ bedtime with 5 hens in the coop with him & you ain't wearing a glove. Good thing I couldn't reach him. No blood drawn; just a decent blood blister.
ouch! No bat/stick within reach?
Is it okay to leave them overnight now? The humidity is at 71%, and they look moist. Their bills are out... @mlm Mike @Chaos18
C'mon lil duckies!!!!!
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