INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Night everyone
kiddo woke up ughhh

I fondle Roxie's bag a couple times a week. :lau I still feel like expecting her kids is stupid wishful thinking most days. She's basically carrying food babies. I thought her bag was flat when we got her... Looks a little rounded, though? @mlm Mike

You can tell they are getting close to freshening by the udder but too many times they won't drop milk until the birth. I find that checking the pencil ligaments a couple times a day is a little more reliable.
I needed pups tails docked by 4 days old, they couldnt fit us in, said they would do it seven days, I said law says 4 days, anyone that raises pups know how much they grow the first week!  They argued with me and said, well its what the vet does.  change of vet obviously

Good thing you have them cc, very good

not quite, those are youngsters eggs :D four days they are super tiny, I picked out my pure bred boxer at a week from my buddies mothers litter she had, picked him up the day he was weaned, easiest traning of a pup ever . Let her sister-in-law doc the tails, a lot of room for error on that when they are the size of a baby rabbit. My poor boy barely had enough tail to cover his butt hole, and never grew hair on it's tip. Darned best dog, smartest, most human dog I've ever had ever though. And he was huge, 85lbs of pure muscle, a big baby. I've had many other dogs, boxer's are pretty special dogs, I'll have another again someday.
Pay for a vet to doc their tails though.
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I fondle Roxie's bag a couple times a week. :lau I still feel like expecting her kids is stupid wishful thinking most days. She's basically carrying food babies. I thought her bag was flat when we got her... Looks a little rounded, though? @mlm Mike

You can tell they are getting close to freshening by the udder but too many times they won't drop milk until the birth. I find that checking the pencil ligaments a couple times a day is a little more reliable.

That's why I check it all the time. ;) I have no idea when to expect her kids except "June." Now I can learn about ligaments! :yesss:
@Sally Sunshine

Not wanting to quote that entire post.
Oral surgery went just fine, 'cept my left rear pocket was $200 lighter.

I had to have a rotten tooth pulled. It used to be if you needed an extraction you went to the dentist and he pulled it. Now you go to the same dentist for the same extraction

Oral surgeons for extractions and Endodontists for root canals.
However, I had a dentist I went to high school with that would do anything there was to do in a mouth. He did a root canal on me. It was never right. There was always a lump on that part of my jaw - for years. That was 35 years ago and I don't have a tooth left on that side of the rear of that jaw. He never could get it right. Whenever I had work done by an oral surgeon or Endodontist, all went well.

Hi all,

I live near an elementary school, and drive by it twice a day.  Yesterday that very busy street was closed off.  It took us about 40 min to go about 1/2 mile.  Turns out an 8 year old boy was walking home from school with his younger sister.  They were goofing around and she pushed him.  He tripped and fell into oncoming traffic. 

They took him off life support late last night.

I can't even begin to understand how his sister must feel.   Or the driver of the truck that ran over him.  Witnesses said traffic was going slow, but he had NO time to stop.  

How many times have we gently pushed someone, not in anger, but in fun.  For something so innocent to turn out so deadly is tragic.  

I'm feeling very sad for their families....

So many bad things happen so often to good people.

I'm not sure why we worry so much about terrorism when way more people die from accidental incidents.
Since 9/11 45 people in the US have been killed by terrorism.
Twice that die every day from gun violence.
In 2014 alone, more than 3,000 people were killed by distracted driving.
Terrorism is not worth our concern.

10 goats is the perfect number. I won't have them until I have the appropriate place for them.

not sure there is a normal for byard chicken hatchers.  I think its like 82% for hatcheries, broody hens its like 35%

shipped eggs can be all over the place

Broody hen success is way above 35% - unless you're talking shipped eggs.

It deoend in what part of the world you are living in...
And belive me if the government will put the same amount of money,time, and manpower in preventing car accidents, or fire arm casualties as in preventing terror the deth tall will be reduced dramatically ! The logic is that terror is usually made by external enemy that the regular citizen can't do much to stop, but car accident and fire arm violence is made in BETWEEN citizens that can to CHOOSE to deal with it defrently. So it leave us to deal with it alone, and intervene only when we brake a major role! 9\11 dont happens every month not because the terrorists don't want, but because the endless efforts of your government security branches!
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It deoend in what part of the world you are living in...
And belive me if the government will put the same amount of money,time, and manpower in preventing car accidents, or fire arm casualties as in preventing terror the deth tall will be reduced dramatically ! The logic is that terror is usually made by external enemy that the regular citizen can't do much to stop, but car accident and fire arm violence is made in BETWEEN citizens that can to CHOOSE to deal with it defrently. So it leave us to deal with it alone, and intervene only when we brake a major role! 9\11 dont happens every month not because the terrorists don't want, but because the endless efforts of your government security branches!

Well said Benny
Already locked here Night
I should be but I'm not. First pips are due in 40 hours, but half of the eggs still need turning. Those will have to go a day or so without turning starting tomorrow morning. Some will probably get turned a bit as their older siblings play soccer with them.

Hi Sally....
Canoe I'm gonna respectful disagree with you....
I misspoke in saying it wasn't a concern. It is a real concern but other things are clearer and more present dangers.
But as a private citizen in middle America, I'm not spending a lot of time thinking about it.
3000+ a year from distracted driving was a real eye opener for me. That is something I think about every time I get behind the wheel.
Millions living in tornado alley without storm cellars or basements is a clear and present danger too.

It deoend in what part of the world you are living in...
And belive me if the government will put the same amount of money,time, and manpower in preventing car accidents, or fire arm casualties as in preventing terror the deth tall will be reduced dramatically ! The logic is that terror is usually made by external enemy that the regular citizen can't do much to stop, but car accident and fire arm violence is made in BETWEEN citizens that can to CHOOSE to deal with it defrently. So it leave us to deal with it alone, and intervene only when we brake a major role! 9\11 dont happens every month not because the terrorists don't want, but because the endless efforts of your government security branches!
Very well put. I tend to oversimplify. Like you say, just because it doesn't happen all the time, doesn't mean the crazies didn't wish it were so.
Where in the world one lives makes all the difference. I'm sure I'd look at things differently if I lived in Chad, Burundi, Nigeria or Syria - or even Israel. Stuck in the Ozark mountains, I'm pretty insulated from those things - though there are still a lot of morons around here.
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