INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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hey guys i have an egg with an air sac on the side 0<-- on the egg and it is day 7 the cick is normal i am just wondering if i should leave it in the egg turner or hand turn it or make a separate incubator.... Please PM me i NEED HELP
side of the egg, towards the fat end of the egg or small end of the egg? @cracra4chicks

Hey, haven't talked to you in a while (seems like years :p)

LOL heyya Frin Whatcha doing all summer?
@Frindizzle I need to order two bars of HARMONY Soap for HARMONYANN!!! can you PM me please!!!
Going to Indiana after the 6th of July with my brother, which should be cool. Working on music stuff more too! Whatcha doing this summer? I see you liked my Facebook page (thanks :D)
I had liked it a while ago! Then I had to comment on my kiddos soap type lol!!! <3
Sounds like fun with the bro! whatcha gonna do there?
Going to Indiana after the 6th of July with my brother, which should be cool. Working on music stuff more too! Whatcha doing this summer? I see you liked my Facebook page (thanks :D)
I had liked it a while ago! Then I had to comment on my kiddos soap type lol!!! <3
Sounds like fun with the bro! whatcha gonna do there?
Well, I have a bratty younger cousin's birthday the day after I come, so I'll have to survive that... :p I don't really know! They usually have something really big planned... last time it was a trip to the Bahamas... private plane and everything... so I'm excited about this time.
Going to Indiana after the 6th of July with my brother, which should be cool. Working on music stuff more too! Whatcha doing this summer? I see you liked my Facebook page (thanks :D)
I had liked it a while ago! Then I had to comment on my kiddos soap type lol!!! <3
Sounds like fun with the bro! whatcha gonna do there?
Well, I have a bratty younger cousin's birthday the day after I come, so I'll have to survive that... :p I don't really know! They usually have something really big planned... last time it was a trip to the Bahamas... private plane and everything... so I'm excited about this time.
OH MY!!!!!! HOW AWESOME!!! good for you!!! I know you will enjoy everything!!! even the bratty cuz
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