INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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It was so hot today, I did not achieve quite what I wanted to but thats how it usually works right? Goat pen is almost ready, I need to stack wood in the wood shed yet, and make a door early in the morning. The grooming table is done, this is before its painted Lil Luke was so proud! This was the first I let him do all the measuring, cutting AND the assembly. Thank GOD for driver drill for weaklings like me and Luke, I wish I could have afforded one years ago oh wait we didnt have cordless crap back then!! DOH I have a yoga mat for on the table after the paint dries.. Maybe trim dogs tomorrow :idunno starting to wonder why I chose a hairy breed ugh
looks like you got a lot done to me. I spent all day on the road picking up chickens, 4 1/2 hours each way.
:gig :hit @BantyChooks I dont think I have ever added this to the notes Cant have more kids, last one tried very hard to kill me. I would have to live in a cold cellar in those temps! I wish I could afford steak more often for sure. Pizza tonight I dont feel like cooking, being out working in the heat is too much. :frow @biophiliac How is your day going so far? Hope you have a good Sat eve! awwwww poor thing, she may need to sit in a small cup a bit to keep her upright
Yeah, it is hot in here at 85 but at least the AC takes the humidity out of the house. Can't sleep in that temp though, hence dropping it to 78 at night. It's only 87 outside right now but with 60% humidity and a wind speed of zero it feels like 100. A local grocery store had tiny filet mignons, 6 for $10. We had some for breakfast one day and dinner the next. We ate at the Cajun Connection up in Illinois just this side of Chicago yesterday. I bought dinner for my friend who delivered the chickens from Washington. I had crawfish etouffee, fried alligator, scampi style Bubba shrimp and blackened frog legs. They were the most tender frog legs I've ever had.
ugh Benny this is just GROSS I swear I cant stand even looking at fish, and you left all that skin and ughhhh gross!!
This is how you eat fish - Mexican style.
I'm trying to keep her warm. I got the brooder box set up, put food and a small water dish in, when I put her in there she chirps like I'm killing her. Pick her up and she stops. I'm afraid if I put another chick in there that it will hurt her. Thoughts?
Be careful it isn't too warm. 90 + should be sufficient.
Look what I got to snuggle on today. Baby Theadore, our 34th Grandchild. :) ... I love tiny baby feet. :)
Looky there, 10 toes. That's a keeper.
And because of that you are eating food with 40-50% of its taste and nutritional value You realy should get out of your box and think differently, you will find a New world of flavors!
There's a whole world of flavors out there.
Anybody ever worked on Whirlpool window a/c units? Trying to replace the power cord, which feeds up through a slot in the bottom of the plastic face of the unit, but I can't figure out how to remove the face. Only 4 screws visible that I figured held the face in place. They've all been removed, but the face won't budge. Thought about replacing the plug on the power cord, but it's molded on; no way to tell which wire goes where.
Some cords have a rib on the side with the neutral wire and the hot side is smooth.
Hi everyone! -Kathy
Nice Tilapia!
Looks great! Care to share the recipe?


It was 6 eggs, 1 avocado and the rest was just winging it. She thought she put too much serrano in it (like she usually does) but I thought it was just right.
Cilantro and chives were freshly chopped.
The lime juice was fresh squeezed so I think you just add enough to make the consistency right.

She only made 6 because it was the first time making them so it was a test. One avocado could probably serve 10 or 12 eggs cause as you can see, they're overflowing.

You could also add some horseradish (which she puts in her normal version) or red onion.
And a wonderful name it means:
" a gift from God" in Greek

Thank you, and yes, this is why they named him this. They name their children from their meanings. I am impressed that you noticed this. I have to wonder what nick name he will go by. :p
Looks great! Care to share the recipe?


It was 6 eggs, 1 avocado and the rest was just winging it. She thought she put too much serrano in it (like she usually does) but I thought it was just right.
Cilantro and chives were freshly chopped.
The lime juice was fresh squeezed so I think you just add enough to make the consistency right.

She only made 6 because it was the first time making them so it was a test. One avocado could probably serve 10 or 12 eggs cause as you can see, they're overflowing.

You could also add some  horseradish (which she puts in her normal version) or red onion.

Some smoked salmon
Or good tuna, will upgrade it!
My wife just made some incredible Mexican style deviled eggs. Her normal ones are to die for but these took it up a notch.
Blended with the egg yolk is avocado, lime juice, serrano chili, chives, cilantro and salt.

Ok, this looks really good. As long as it isn't too spicy. Guess we can make it as spicy as we someone asked..recipe?
Our eggs are now 1 week old.

At least one is 100% viable with the proper blood veins and shadows. I have a hard time candling them, because the egg shells are so thick! But, my husband promises at least 3/4 of the others, appear viable right now to him, so we'll keep watching them and see how they develop.

The one that's cracked, that I used liquid bandage on, is too hard to tell, because it's pretty much 90% cracked in spiderweb cracks, making it hard to tell if it's viable or not. We'll be watching it, it's the only egg we had from her chicken that died, so i'm crossing my fingers it stays viable for her, so she can one baby from white freckles.
Ok, this looks really good. As long as it isn't too spicy. Guess we can make it as spicy as we someone asked..recipe?
Yes, you can add as much or as little serrano as you want.
Not really a recipe per se but for what it's worth, here it is.

I tend to eyeball everything and play it by ear but wife usually adheres strictly to recipes. This is one of the few exceptions.
@ChickenCanoe I hope your trip went well. How are the birds?
@MotorcycleChickGood day!
@Sally SunshineHere is a prayer that you hurt less today. Thanks for all the goat images. I will post tater an important note for those of you like me that have goats and are learning based on what happened with Daisy Mae.
@kwhites634I hope the build is going well today. You are better than me. I quit fencing it is too hot.
@Ur-ur-ur-urrr Nice to see your birds, and yes according to the seller mine are Hortsman cross reds.

Good afternoon everyone!
Our eggs are now 1 week old.

At least one is 100% viable with the proper blood veins and shadows. I have a hard time candling them, because the egg shells are so thick! But, my husband promises at least 3/4 of the others, appear viable right now to him, so we'll keep watching them and see how they develop.

The one that's cracked, that I used liquid bandage on, is too hard to tell, because it's pretty much 90% cracked in spiderweb cracks, making it hard to tell if it's viable or not. We'll be watching it, it's the only egg we had from her chicken that died, so i'm crossing my fingers it stays viable for her, so she can one baby from white freckles.

I dropped both of the eggs I repaired moving them to a tray for candling. I had the liquid bandage right there and applied immediately. I was amazed they both hatched and are doing well. One was like yours with the shell cracked all over. I would refrain from coating the whole thing with the bandage so it can still breathe.
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I dropped both of the eggs I repaired moving them to a tray for candling. I had the liquid bandage right there and applied immediately. I was amazed they both hatched and are doing well. One was like yours with the shell cracked all over. I would refrain from costing the whole thing with the bandage so it can still breathe.
I applied it on a lot of the cracks, but one side luckily had no cracks... so I think we may get lucky, as long as the insides develop properly.

The egg that appears the most viable, is from our cochin hen, she's the roosters favorite too.
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