INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I've never had a bird scream.... Are they really that loud?
Oh, so loud. And it is relentless. You almost have to gag them before they stop.

My weekend started yesterday at 10a.m. I had half a day off and today too, plus the weekend and Monday. I so need it, behind on things at home but need time to chill with hubby too.
My big rooster does that and half of my hens, where the rest are use to it thankfully. Fester makes enough racket then gets the rest of them going. I try to wear ear plugs when we need to pick him up. Also I am glad I don't speak chicken since I am positive what he says is not nice, fowl mouthed bird!


enjoy the testing lol will you treat them for externals and internals while you have them all in hand? Thats what I did testing quarterly for npip or you only treat if issue?
pretty handsome!
I will look them over but won't treat if I don't find anything. I may put some DE and 5% Sevin in the shavings of the cage birds today since they came from elsewhere.
This may sound hard to believe but I've never found a mite or louse on my birds.
After thousands of birds, I've only wormed about 4 birds.

You have to do quarterly testing there? What a hassle. P/T testing in MO is only required to be annually.
Quarterly testing is only required here for MG, MS, etc., and that's only for commercial flocks.

I am camping this weekend. The cooler temps are appreciated.

Have fun. I'm jealous- except I don't like camping on holiday weekends. Too many people.
Who takes care of your birds while you're gone?
Quote: I think that finally your age got you! Me CH? But I don't have half dead snapping turtule!

I've never had a bird scream.... Are they really that loud?

Oh, so loud. And it is relentless. You almost have to gag them before they stop.

My weekend started yesterday at 10a.m. I had half a day off and today too, plus the weekend and Monday. I so need it, behind on things at home but need time to chill with hubby too.

My big rooster does that and half of my hens, where the rest are use to it thankfully. Fester makes enough racket then gets the rest of them going. I try to wear ear plugs when we need to pick him up. Also I am glad I don't speak chicken since I am positive what he says is not nice, fowl mouthed bird!



enjoy the testing lol   will you treat them for externals and internals while you have them all in hand?  Thats what I did testing quarterly for npip   or you only treat if issue?
pretty handsome!

I will look them over but won't treat if I don't find anything. I may put some DE and 5% Sevin in the shavings of the cage birds today since they came from elsewhere.
This may sound hard to believe but I've never found a mite or louse on my birds.
After thousands of birds, I've only wormed about 4 birds.

You have to do quarterly testing there? What a hassle. P/T testing in MO is only required to be annually.
Quarterly testing is only required here for MG, MS, etc., and that's only for commercial flocks.

I am camping this weekend. The cooler temps are appreciated.


Have fun. I'm jealous- except I don't like camping on holiday weekends. Too many people.
Who takes care of your birds while you're gone?

This type of hectic nervous vocalizations is SO typical to the Mediterranean breeds! We have a mix breed here called BALADI
and it react exactly the same!

Rarely get on here during the day. It's a hot one ! I'm inside taking a break. I miss everyone!

Here is what I'm raising at the moment. The mom died and I put the egg in the incubator for the few days it had left. Started with feedings every half hour. Now only 4 times a day. Thank God they grow fast! Parrotlet.

Here is one that is only a couple weeks older...

And here is a picture of one of my kids working at the Hubbell building site. My other son now works there with me. He is doing copper work.

Rarely get on here during the day. It's a hot one ! I'm inside taking a break. I miss everyone!

Here is what I'm raising at the moment. The mom died and I put the egg in the incubator for the few days it had left. Started with feedings every half hour. Now only 4 times a day. Thank God they grow fast! Parrotlet.

Here is one that is only a couple weeks older...

And here is a picture of one of my kids working at the Hubbell building site. My other son now works there with me. He is doing copper work.
wow it goes from ugly(sorry) to beautiful very quickly
so neat!! Thanks for sharing
is this the building you did the pretty windows on? was that you?
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There are ditch ducks on my road. The pretty ones weren't out yet.

Nice, do people feed them, or are hey on their own?

Hi Dennis, whats up? Since I sold most of the flock off, i have tons of people asking for Legbars and Sapphires, what is your web address so that I can forward it. I must have deleted our old message with that info! @dheltzel


Might be MIA for a while; possibly into tomorrow. Had to take DW to the ER a bit ago; she thinks it's an anxiety attack...idk from nuthin'. I had to come back to lock the birds up; going back now to see what's up with her. BBASAP
oh no!! sorry whites, hope she is better now!

I thought she was when she went to bed, but she's up & complaining of being all jittery inside; making appt. with the Dr. today. She's like her mother was; always something going on healthwise.
And Good morning to you & the rest of the crew..

I'm still several pages behind, but I'm getting there.

Beautiful day out there...only hitting 80* for an hour or less this evening. I think I can handle that.


Hi Whites, I hope the Mrs. is doing better.

my daughters favorite chicken went missing yesterday

this one was also named pretzel
it was a white polish, i kept its crest trimmed and yet it was still stupid
her other was a white sultan

i wonder what she'll want this time
though i am hoping it comes back
I'm sorry, I hope she makes it home

Sorry Dax


Rarely get on here during the day. It's a hot one ! I'm inside taking a break. I miss everyone!

Here is what I'm raising at the moment. The mom died and I put the egg in the incubator for the few days it had left. Started with feedings every half hour. Now only 4 times a day. Thank God they grow fast! Parrotlet.

Here is one that is only a couple weeks older...

And here is a picture of one of my kids working at the Hubbell building site. My other son now works there with me. He is doing copper work.
Wow, they start so small and delicate looking, amazing they can survive.
Hi Mike! :frow I think they must have a home somewhere in that little block. I called my neighbor with muscovies (thought maybe they had wandered from home with all the rain and water) and she said "I forgot I gave eggs to that lady. They're hers." So they live somewhere in one of those homes. Wish I knew which one, because they're prettier than most and I wouldn't mind trying to hatch some myself.
Hi Mike!
I think they must have a home somewhere in that little block. I called my neighbor with muscovies (thought maybe they had wandered from home with all the rain and water) and she said "I forgot I gave eggs to that lady. They're hers." So they live somewhere in one of those homes. Wish I knew which one, because they're prettier than most and I wouldn't mind trying to hatch some myself.
why not ask for eggs from the originator?
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