INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Welcome home, and good luck with the hatch Phil

Is that good or bad?
could talk to her about a new outboard for my boat I guess
Have any of you ever dealt with a pedophile rooster before? I have 1 RIR roo that has young taste and will jump my young pullets. He's full grown and likes to get pullets before they even have their grown up voices yet. Any suggestions to curb his cravings? It's not like there aren't plenty of adult hens around
Is saltpeter toxic to chickens? Will it mix in water?
Biggest problem I had was keeping help. Had 2 partners, different times; one was my own son. We could have built it into something big enough to live on, and he'd never have had to work for another man again, but he walked. After that I said screw the help, cut it back to where I could handle it, and went it alone
understand that whites I fired mine for being late after 3 times and I did try
I have a chick that I just helped out of the egg, and now I just realized that it's toes on the outside of it's feet are curled under the rest of the foot. Here's a few pictures.

I don't know if they will fix themselves or not, but the chick is only a few hours old.
that's an interesting picture. I hope you can figure it out
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