INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I keep fresh milk in the fridge for my toddler. My kids don't think twice about the milk containers in there. They prefer almond milk, but I know my husband has stolen some for his coffee before when he ran out of creamer. 

I grew up with nursing mom's and it never seemed weird to me to have milk in the fridge. It wasn't until I was online, on mom forums that I learned how much people bottlefed and how weird people felt about nursing.

True story : my mom went on vacation to Hawaii with my dad when I was only a few months old. My aunt breastfed me while my mom was gone, because my cousin was 3 months older and she was nursing her, too.

I've also nursed 2 children who weren't mine, when baby sitting, with permission of their mothers. ;)
I think that is so awesome.. I breastfeed son #1 for 2 months after he was born. I was a senior in high school so it made it a little harder but I love it except he wanted to eat ALL the time. I wish now I would have done it with my others
I think that is so awesome.. I breastfeed son #1 for 2 months after he was born. I was a senior in high school so it made it a little harder but I love it except he wanted to eat ALL the time. I wish now I would have done it with my others
I was 18 when I had my first. I was too cheap NOT to breastfeed. That, and lazy. Seriously. The idea of getting up at 2am to make a bottle had me going "oh heck no!" I schedule my college classes around my son's nursing schedule... it wasn't easy, but we made it work, but I had a really supportive family who believed in nursing. I was just raised that way, I'm not sure what I would have done, had I not been supported like that.

Bottle feeding mom's work hard, as far as i'm concerned. LOL I'm WAY to lazy for that.

This was confirmed when I had to pump for 5 1/2 months for my nicu baby, before I got him nursing. Pumping/cleaning supplies I am sure is similar to the effort it takes to make a bottle. I have a very healthy respect for bottlefeeding mom's after that experience.

I donated milk to mom's in the past too, who couldn't nurse their babies for whatever reason.

I admit, I like the fact that I'm the only one who can feed my baby too, for a while. I'm selfish.

When my grandma was having children, they used to make formula out of evaporated milk or gave whole cows milk - she remembers the doctor telling her that her milk wasn't good enough for her baby, and formula and the cows milk was better for baby.
My last egg hatched the late mal, its a bit sticky but was out running around so in the brooder tis batch is done.... next up minihorses leghorns and misc eggies!!
Welp, just made a three liter batch of liquid castile soap because the recipe (which I quadruple checked and measured out twice) was lye heavy. I did use my problem pot to make it though, I had to liquify a pound of soap after it was lye heavy from cooking in there earlier in the week so I think I need a new cook pot.

So yeah, I have an ungodly amount of soap.
so your ungodly clean!!! lmao

Post office called, time to go pick up my eggs!
I day early yippie!!!
The next two eggs should be hatching any minute, then in another two days the next egg should be hatching, then the day after that two more eggs should be hatching. Three eggs were quitters
The next two eggs should be hatching any minute, then in another two days the next egg should be hatching, then the day after that two more eggs should be hatching. Three eggs were quitters
sorry to hear about the quitters, but congrats on your eggs hatching.

How do you handle staggered batches like that? do you just remove the chicks shortly after they hatch, or what? How do you handle turning the eggs after lock down on staggered batches?
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