INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Can't walk past an open window :oops:
I am worlds worst about sending a text to someone and not looking to see if auto correct has changed something... that is exactly what I was talking to someone the other day about how technology has advanced but it seems like it has just made our younger generations not as smart and lazier. Me being one of those because I'm just turning 29. But my poor kids and the ways the schools teach now I pray for those kids.
I would love to hear peoples opinion on home schooling.

It is a very American thing, and where I come from if you don't send your kids to school you go to jail and your kids go into foster care.

I get that it is a personal choice here, and know plenty of people who have home schooled, and the reasons varied from "I wanted to because it would be fun for me", to "I can give them a better education than public school", to "I don't want my kids exposed to evil ideas that others may have I cannot control". These latter were usually extremely religious people. Also "it is easier to keep them at home than having to get my kids to school and back every day". I get that there are bad schools, but the people I know who homeschool have excellent local schools and it is nothing to do with that.

2 people I work with have super smart well educated spouses (one went to Stanford, and another to MIT) so you may think they are suitable parents to teach their kids everything. But are they? What is taught in school has changed so much with technology and science over the last 20 years. I know there are on-line resources to help home schoolers, but why not just go to school and "top up" at home?

How can 1 (or 2) parents replace 3 whole schools worth of modern teaching experience and know even a fraction of what they collectively know?

Also at school you learn to interact in a normal way with other people, and learn about boundaries and deadlines, so when you go to university (or work) you have some life experience and don't go completely off the rails.
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