INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Did anyone notice I said something??? No one responded....
Well one person gave me a smiley wave! Thanks to that person but the rest of you are FIRED!!!

Ohhh and the page keeps reloading...thought I'd throw that in there.
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Did anyone notice I said something??? No one responded....
Well one person gave me a smiley wave! Thanks to that person but the rest of you are FIRED!!!

Ohhh and the page keeps reloading...thought I'd throw that in there.

We are all volunteers here so you CAN'T fire us!
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Did anyone notice I said something??? No one responded....
Well one person gave me a smiley wave! Thanks to that person but the rest of you are FIRED!!!

Ohhh and the page keeps reloading...thought I'd throw that in there.

:frow Hi Glory!! I can't see your post- likely fell on a page that the thread decided to eat.
Works for me too.

Because of thread issues I could keep up today. Craft fair was alright. I made $37. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

I put photos in granny's thread this morning.
Wonderful, good luck today!

I thought everyone would like a Mira update. Her feathers are starting to grow back in certain spots and she's competely integrated back into the flock. She's such a strong little girl


opened, and wetted down.

Day 25, hubby assist hatched the egg. he took the aircell shell off, opened it up poked a hole for air and put it back into the incubator to see if it can survive till morning. Crossing fingers the baby can do something :(

photo above was after he wetted it, and followed all the instructions for assist hatching once he saw the condition of the air sac.
He's doing a great job.

Quote: Glad the leg improved.

Good morning, Whites, Banti, etc.

Morning LALO
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