INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I have some incubation questions about silver wayndotte. I can't find anything on the net (not good at using Internet yet.) Lol.. about how long the incubation period is for the eggs before they hatch. Anyone have a time frame?
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Hi. Quote:
, Where the Red Fern Grows. I did not write it
That would have been cool though. A buddy of mine is writing a book about his grandfather and the town named after him - Berger, MO.
The definition of ugly, regardless of attributes. If they were human, they'd have to sneak up on the glass to get a drink of water!
You are speaking from your comfort house, but imagine a poultry farmer in the tropics that thus breed will reduce its cooling bills and will increase the affisionsy weight /feed ratio of the flock , let say by 15%-20%( no protein from feed go waste to feathers ) he WILL surly be appreciative and he will show that appreciation by hard currency! So yes, my bragging was right!
You guys are so tech savvy. Our factory had the first laser robot in the country that cut holes in metal sheeting (van roofs) rather than using a drill. The drill put a dimple in the roof that would sometimes leak at the roof rack. When it was working, the laser made a perfect hole without stretching the metal. Two companies collaborated on the project. One Irish and one Israeli. I usually had to work on it when they weren't in country whenever the holes got jagged or didn't cut at all. It was a prototype after all.
All ouer History we have apriciat and valued coluture, Knowledge and education as values of the top degree The best proof for that is that 22% of Nobel prize winners are Jewish while we are only 0.2% of Humanity! Read this
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The post wasn't too long. It was fun to read. I'm glad it went so well. Just think, if it didn't go so well, you'd be thinking about a different hobby.

I do that too with the cable company (phone, TV and internet) but it is usually only out for a day so the hassle of getting my $2 back usually isn't worth the time.

You're on satellite too?
How is it working for you?

I'm off of football this year. Mad about the Rams leaving - as bad as they were. Just another excellent reason to hate Walmart.

Lay it on us.

It appears to be over the hump.
It was 89 four days ago, only to hit 41 two nights later. I'm wrapped in a blanket with the window open next to me right now.
You could have kept the garden going longer if you had known. (global warming)
Sounds like you're doing well on the eggs. What day are they on?

Lots of words you can use but inspector is inspector. Caca is the closest you'll get. Other things are colloquialisms or country specific slang. One that is sometimes used is popo but that actually means derriere, the stern of a boat or what's in a baby's diaper.
I know you probably wanted something more exotic but inspector de caca is as close as you'll get because caca is excrement.
Other things would probably be more vulgar but paired with inspector wouldn't make sense. Things like frijoles (beans) or zurullo (lump). The latter is more offensive.

What may be close is guácala de pollo which means gross but literally chicken yuck! So guácala de pollo inspector.
Perhaps you should change from inspector to medical inspector, in which case it would be 'forense'.
Caca forense or guácala de pollo forense.

What a mature voice.

That's normally the case. Living in Germany, they wouldn't teach me any vulgar terms because they didn't want me coming back to the US cussing in German.
I learned Castilian Spanish as well. Similar to HochDeutsch in that it is proper and what is taught in schools. Any German speaker should know it, but lots of dissimilarities between dialects in the north (Bremerhaven), east (Berlin), Bavaria, Austria or Switzerland and formal German is not what most German speakers grow up speaking.

I find language very interesting. I just wish I had embraced learning other writing systems earlier in life. I can't even handle the Cyrillic alphabet. As a result, I'm stuck with Western languages.

Natives of Spanish speaking countries would understand someone speaking Castilian Spanish.
But the reverse is not true. Every country south of the US except Brazil and the Guyanas are Spanish speaking, as well as several in the Caribbean. Each country has its own official version of Spanish (i.e. Guatamalan Spanish). In addition, each country not only has local dialects but also different accents. Ecuador has 9 dialects and each with their own accent. Most importantly, one must know the Spanish idioms of your country of choice for comfortable communication.
Over the last several centuries, some of those countries were isolated from each other, especially Peru and Costa Rica. A good portion of Costa Rican Spanish is archaic, dating back to the Spanish conquest. and usted, are the familiar and formal forms of the pronoun 'you'. However, one never hears tu in CR. The archaic 'vos' is used instead.
Add to that the slang and it's tough.
In most of these countries there are many terms one would never find in a Spanish - English dictionary.
Lots of Mexican words come from Mayan and Aztec just like other Latin American countries have adopted words from their indigenous peoples.
In Peru, Suzuki (a perversion of the Spanish 'sucio') means dirty. A tombo = policeman. A vendor will often throw in a little extra called a 'yapa' or tip. It comes from the Quechua Indian language. It made its way to the US via Spanish Creoles and is now both a gulf coast English and Louisiana French word - lagniappe, heard all around Louisiana and especially New Orleans meaning a little extra in an exchange for goods. Kind of like a baker's dozen.

Costa Rican idioms are a challenge till you get to know them.
The national dish, 'Gallo Pinto' (rice and beans) served with every meal literally means spotted rooster. Costa Ricans are called Ticos, Nicaraguans are called Nicos. I forget what Panamanians are called but it is usually derogatory rather than Tico which is a term of endearment. Mas Tico que el gallo pinto. (more Costa Rican than spotted rooster)
Pura Vida would be something like that. It's an expression meaning Pure Life that you'll hear all day every day and .
No Spanish equivalent, 'mae' means dude and heard all the time among friends.
Brete (eng. work) doesn't show up in a dictionary. Work and play are important. Hence the phrase 'mucho brete, gracias a Dios'. Lots of work, thank God.
Media Naranja (eng. half orange) means my better half, spouse or soul mate.
Doing something offensively inappropriate will get you 'orinar fuera del tarro' (to pee outside the can).

At my Spanish Language meetup I met a young black man in his late 20s, a native English speaker from here in the US and we were discussing dialects. His knowledge of each Central and South American country's dialects including the Caribbean like Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and Cuba was amazing. I'll never know that much. How does someone do that?
I was always amazed at the number of languages my foreign exchange students could speak. Most were fluent in 3 but some spoke 7 or 8. That isn't the same thing as knowing all the dialects but equally impressive.

I guess I better be done boring everyone for today.

Rough weather you've had. Looks like recovery time now.
On the Weather Channel I saw a satellite view of the Florida and GA coast the night before the storm. It was all lit up. The next night, it was all black on the east side of FL.

It attracted flies. The flies laid eggs and gave you maggots.

I can give you more terms for the latter. Some make sense, some don't.

I meant to offer my condolences for the duckling you stepped on. That had to be bad.
A day later I had to put a chick down. I had put him out in the coop with his hatchmates. About a week later, I noticed he wasn't very mobile. He could walk but awkwardly and he was more comfortable sitting still.
I brought him back inside to be a tutor for later hatches and I though not getting trampled would give him a chance to at least put on some weight. He would eat and drink but just didn't grow. He was only 250 grams at 12 weeks old last week when I finally put him down. I haven't weighed them but I think his hatchmates are 2 to 3 pounds.

Books, camera, Rookie Yearbook (for tween girls), soccer ball, journal, archery, guitar,

or a tether

toddler pen is a splendid idea.

If you're in the boonies with no one around, it doesn't matter.
If a tree falls in the forest with no one around, no one knows it happens.

We love you too.

That helps some.
If she didn't have a teenage brother running around, I wouldn't mind her being naked. But I want her to keep some modesty around her brother. He's the type to make comments.

She has a kids camera, but I also gave her my old DVD camera to make home movies and take pictures. She hasn't really been interested in using it much yet. She plays Piano. I don't know if we could teach her guitar.
My daughter survived the teeth extraction, but they only did two. Have to get back in two weeks to do the other two.

Whew... Crazy morning.
I am now truly sorry I posted the pictures of the naked chicken this morning, my computer is now full of this disgusting featherless creature



Welcome. Speaking of water our canal water will be on and off for the next month. I need to get containers of stored water set up today for the maintenance period


I have some incubation questions about silver wayndotte. I can't find anything on the net (not good at using Internet yet.) Lol.. about how long the incubation period is for the eggs before they hatch. Anyone have a time frame?

:frow Welcome!
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