INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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This could get interesting in a hurry
On my birthday, gas was $027 a gallon, bread was $0.16 a loaf, a new median price home was $8,869, a new car was $1,757.
World population was 2,626,440,000. It's 7.5 billion today. I rest my case on overpopulation.
The Caine Mutiny, The Catcher in the Rye and The Old Man and the Sea were written.
The Hydrogen bomb was invented.
There were no such things as transistor radios, solar cells, nuclear power, video tapes, satellites, modems or LEDs. Credit cards had been invented the year before.
Also not existing yet were TV remote controls, microwave ovens, birth control pills, jets, polio vaccine, 3 point seatbelts,
Someone was wrong. I was watching the Packers squeak by the Giants

I was listening to ESPN radio this afternoon and they were talking about primetime football games ratings being down this year. They figured it was because of the upcoming election. We'll know in November and December.
And I was sitting on BYC. Tired of political nonsense.

My wife gave up on it but she did watch the debate with me. I fell asleep with 5 minutes to go and missed the warm and fuzzy part where they said nice things about each other. That was a shock when I saw it on the news this morning.
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