INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Should I get chicken eggs from my neighbor or try ducks again? I'm worried about losing two clutches in a row.
Ok ok ok I guess I'll let y'all off the hook since there were technical problems. I forgive everyone!! Lol But just remember,you don't need to be employed to be fired!! Lol

So my post was in regards to my lil newborn chick that was pecked by my meanie brain rooster. She went downhill fast and I brought her inside. Within a few hours ,she passed. I believe there was something internal going on. Although I'm very sad,I'm at peace knowing she's in Heaven with another chick that passed last summer,Hope. And with the 7 victim chicks of fire ants. No suffering! All you can eat scratch and bugs!! Thank you all kindly for the advice as well as the prayers. Much appreciated.

Dally love,I could never fire you!!! You're just too amazingly awesome! Still not sure about the rest of you......
just kidding y'all....y'all are an awesome group!!! Glad to be a part of it.

God bless,


Any more hogs?

There are 2 legged and 4 legged ones, what is your's choose?

Um I'm kinda confused....are you referring to hogs?? Like the animals or the male kind??? Is there a difference??
. If so....the animals for sure! Lol. That's my choice.
My wife gave up on it but she did watch the debate with me. I fell asleep with 5 minutes to go and missed the warm and fuzzy part where they said nice things about each other. That was a shock when I saw it on the news this morning.
A friend told me about that.... I nearly died laughing!!!!

My wife gave up on it but she did watch the debate with me. I fell asleep with 5 minutes to go and missed the warm and fuzzy part where they said nice things about each other. That was a shock when I saw it on the news this morning.

A friend told me about that.... I nearly died laughing!!!!

I watched it and I found myself going...."ooohhhhhh shnap "!!, a ton of times!!!
A friend told me about that.... I nearly died laughing!!!!
Actually they didn't say nice things about each other. She said nice things about his kids and he said her perseverance and stamina were admirable. Almost as good.

Starr, Unitas Landry?
I was always a baseball fan so I didn't follow football till I left the army. Back then, Jim Hart, Mel Gray, Roger Wehrli, Terry Metcalf, Jim Otis, Dan Dierdorf, Jackie Smith, Pat Tilley were members of the Cardiac Cardinals. Exciting and heartbreaking at the same time.
Actually they didn't say nice things about each other. She said nice things about his kids and he said her perseverance and stamina were admirable. Almost as good.

I was always a baseball fan so I didn't follow football till I left the army. Back then, Jim Hart, Mel Gray, Roger Wehrli, Terry Metcalf, Jim Otis, Dan Dierdorf, Jackie Smith, Pat Tilley were members of the Cardiac Cardinals. Exciting and heartbreaking at the same time.
My family was more football-centric but this year I got interested in the baseball games.......oh, well, there's always next year!
On my birthday, gas was $027 a gallon, bread was $0.16 a loaf, a new median price home was $8,869, a new car was $1,757.
World population was 2,626,440,000. It's 7.5 billion today. I rest my case on overpopulation.
The Caine Mutiny, The Catcher in the Rye and The Old Man and the Sea were written.
The Hydrogen bomb was invented.
There were no such things as transistor radios, solar cells, nuclear power, video tapes, satellites, modems or LEDs. Credit cards had been invented the year before.
Also not existing yet were TV remote controls, microwave ovens, birth control pills, jets, polio vaccine, 3 point seatbelts,
Dad bought the house all four of us kids grew up in for $9k & change, in the early 50's...built in '27; asbestos shingle siding, on a 60'x100' lot.
I never drove 'til I was 18, in '62. Cheapest gas I remember in our area was $0.29/gal, for Amoco high test. I could put $2 worth in my 352 cid Ford, run all weekend, & have enough to get to work come Monday.
The best Ford p/u, with all the bells & whistles ( AM radio, hydraulic brakes, vacuum wipers,leather seats, power steering) set you back $2,700.
The sign in front of McDonalds said "Over 2 million sold"
Bread was 25 cents, bananas were 10 cents / lb, regular cigarettes were 50 cents or 75 cents (not sure which...didn't use them). No such thing as king size.
TV, if you could afford one, was b/w, with a screen the shape & approximate size as a basketball, with tubes. If you were in a good market, you got CBS, ABC, & NBC, if your rooftop antenna & rabbit ears would pick them up.
First decent-paying job was $60/wk.
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