INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Sure. Come on over; I'll fix you right up. Heck, I'll even send you home with 2-3 good-looking cockerels

Be there in five!!

May I give you four of mine?
Why on earth would you have a 5lb bag of chocolate in your pantry?

So I can eat it, doh... It sure isn't getting fed to the dogs!
Quite a mix you have. Far as I know, I have only one that isn't just right. He has a very slight scissor beak; you wouldn't notice it if you didn't know it was there. Too bad; he's one of two that'll look like the Old Man when they're fully grown.

That's for sure. I do, however, have one buff silkie rooster that's staying for his entire life.... He balances all the others out. Gentle with the hens, breaks up fights, warns of impending danger, keeps overly randy cockerels off the girls- He's perfect!!
I can't, I have caffeine allowed.  :(

Here's to decaf. When your heart starts skipping every 4 beat you'll leave caffeine alone for sure
i agree....

When I was a kid, I always wished I had blue eyes though. LOL
If you were born in Finland or Estonia, you'd likely have blue eyes.
The bulk of populations (90%) from Scotland, Ireland and Iceland have either green or blue eyes.

Thats human nature though... we all want what we don't have
I have blue eyes and never thought much about them.
Mine are blue with a touch of green some days, as are my siblings and my parent's were.
I'm very fond of green, silver, gray and amber.
Ever notice how many news anchors these days, both black and white have unusual eye colors?

Awesome progress on the motor.

Got some blue gill and one bass for my friends pond. So from my other friends pond we caught and did a transfer. Learned more flyfishing last night than I ever did with instructor. Really fun.

Of course there wasn't any wind.

Looks so serene.

Thanks. And the best part there weren't any mosquitoes.
Better yet. I got bitten yesterday but there have been very few since it got cool.

Indeed freind, the holy land, beutiful country fool of history and good pepole and the most important Ouer promised home, This is the ONLY place for my people, as history had shown.
I LOVE This country and will not change it for ANY place in this world!

You can still visit others.

Today is yom kippur eve, we are entering God willingly to a 25 hours of fasting, preying and contemplation on ouer deeds, good and bad, that we have done at the past year.
So my freinds in the grate sis country, I wish you all the best and "gemar Htima tova" to all of you!
Here some traditional pastry I just finished to back, this are intended to be eaten and the meal that brake the fast ( this is a real brekfast in the evening!
) tomorrow night, but has you can see my family already stsrted!

Looks awesome. Enjoy the fast and self reflection as well.

Fly fishing for panfish used to be one of my passions.. Still have my old Shakespeare fiberglass rod & automatic reel. Cast popping bugs with rubber band legs & feathers, mostly
Me too, ours and other area ponds would often find poppers on the end of my line.

It was 32* yesterday morning when I got up. I finally turned on the heat.
40 has been the low so far and no heat yet. It's hitting 80 today. I'm praying there will be no heat or air necessary for at least 2 more weeks.

It was 38* yesterday morning and also this morning. Heat still hasn't been on.
After years of fighting about it, I've gotten my wife to embrace opening the house up when it is mild and closing it up PRIOR to the temps dropping or rising.
She would want to keep it open till it was already cold enough inside to need heat and vice versa.

gosh, i got to bed for 9 and a half ours and i miss like, five whole pages! lol.
Only 5. Wow, where did everyone go. It used to be 30 behind when I'd log on.

I also lost all 15 chicken eggs. Most were clear or had blood rings, but those alive at lockdown never pipped.
Blood rings are likely from either disease or vitamin deficiencies.
I offer you this excellent troubleshooting guide for your perusal.

Salmonella and Mycoplasma are a couple things that can be passed vertically from hen to chick transovarially

I'm a growing young teen! give me a break!
Ya'll should get more sleep. IMHO, school starts too early in the morning for teens.

By 12, I was sleeping about six hours a night. By 14 it was about two, if at all.
Did that sleep deprivation cause emotional or mental issues?

question, if you scroll down far enough you'll see a "currently viewing" box. what is the different between members and guests?
In addition to what OCAP said, guests could also be members not currently logged on. Unless logged on, the site doesn't know who it is just that there is a computer link.

I have a toddler to keep warm. He has other sources of heat.

Anything else I call you will sound inappropriate.
We were living in a log cabin/frame building on the old homestead when my daughter was born in August of that year. The house built in the 1840s had no central heat and no insulation. Just a space heater and a wood stove. It was always cold and my daughter got acclimated during that first winter. When we would go anyplace warm in winter (like the in-law's house) the next few years, she would get flushed and sweating.

Any of you seen Local Yokel on anywhere recently, like maybe @ Granny's place? He just vanished all at once
Perhaps (hopefully) he's just been busy.

We have our doors open here still this morning however that will stop by tomorrow as it's supposed to get cold and they are expecting 1-3 inches or rain in this area by the weekend. More rain as you go up the mountain.
Praying you will get a good snow base in the mountains this winter. For your reservoirs but also, if you do, it will probably mean we'll have good snow for our ski trip.

My arms have never been as sore as they were after getting inoculated against every ailment known to modern man when I was inducted into the USAF
You just brought back bad memories.

I ran papers for 20+ in all weather; gangs & gangs of fun!
I worked a tow truck for AAA, Amoco Motor Club and several police departments for winches, tire changes, car starts and tows in bad weather for years when I was young. Nobody wants to change their tire in that weather so they call you.

Pens works fine Captain. Good question on remoteness. Until recently Walmart was 15 miles today its 1 as the crow flies. 1.5 driving
We now have a Bass Pro Shop in the same shopping center as Walmart. Taco Bell on the other hand has always been about 2 miles. So not remote but still far enough. Location 20 east of Sacramento
The new Walmart is less than a mile by road. I pass it every trip to Lowe's, Home Depot and grocery stores that are just up the hill past it.
I refuse to go there. Never seen the inside or been on the lot.

Am I a crazy wabbit? I am missing the excitement of hatching chicks...Itching to dust off the incubator... But here in Maine I figure that might be something I regret when it comes to brooding the chicks inside the house during the cold weather...... Then there is the factor that my chickens have decided to go on strike and stop giving me eggs... Anyway Have a great day all! I need to go get something done with Mt. Laundry etc...
I'm sure it is colder there but I hatch through the winter. I'll raise chicks in the brooder house as long as the building is over 35F. One bad winter, they had to be in the cellar way too long.
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