INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Whats new? Anything I need to know?

I see the thread works? Do I still need to create another?

Whites missed you
and I missed everyone else too!
Quote: It's coming along. Roof's papered & 3/4 of the siding is up, at least what I can reach from the ground. At least the scaffolding is gone.
good news!!

Am I a crazy wabbit? I am missing the excitement of hatching chicks...Itching to dust off the incubator... But here in Maine I figure that might be something I regret when it comes to brooding the chicks inside the house during the cold weather...... Then there is the factor that my chickens have decided to go on strike and stop giving me eggs... Anyway Have a great day all! I need to go get something done with Mt. Laundry etc...

I'll be back in a bit


I just unloaded the dishwasher & reloaded it. Even found the dishwashing packets & turned it on!
What have I become!?
Domesticated? Say it isn't so!

If anyone tells DW I'll deny every word
Awwwwwww so sweet!!!!! I cant read the dials so the kids have to start it lmao even with glasses!!

Quote: X2 (says the guy with 44 eggs in incubators)
Did you know that I have some hatching and no more are set!!!!!!

is that shameful?

did you know I am getting some eggs in the mail soon?
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