INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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I'll get there, eventually. Closer to done than when I started.
Maybe you could tie up one end of the 2x6 while you nail the other end in place? Or support one end on a ladder rung?
I just struggle with roof and ladder stuff over eight feet. I am overly afraid of falling.
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I'll be back in a bit


I just unloaded the dishwasher & reloaded it. Even found the dishwashing packets & turned it on!
[COLOR=FF0000]What have I become!?  [/COLOR]:eek:  [COLOR=FF0000]Domesticated?  Say it isn't so![/COLOR]

 [COLOR=FF0000]If anyone tells DW I'll deny every word[/COLOR]

No credit till ya do it by hand!
Gee, Sally, you got back just in time for me to bail...bowling night

BBL, y'all play nice now, ya hear?

hello sally! i have been on BYC for a while, but this is the best thread i have subscribed too in a long time!
In spite of the heated banter, I'm glad you enjoy it.

Gee, Sally, you got back just in time for me to bail...bowling night

BBL, y'all play nice now, ya hear?

Good luck bowling. I hope you have better luck than I've had this year. It sucks to go from the best team to the worst in one season.
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