
I would get a forced air. The temps will stay much more consistant. Although some people will object, I would stay away from the Little Giants. They are cheapest, but IMHO, you get what you pay for. I have a Genisis Hovabator and a GQF Sportsman. I love both of them. Hovabator if you only want to do up to 40 eggs, Sportsman if you have a greater addiction. I must warn you, a Sportsman will turn you into a hatch-a-holic very quickly. Having the capacity to incubate 200+ eggs can be dangerous. lol

Goodluck with whatever you decide.
Thanks, hovabator is what I was mainly looking at, for the time being, that's what I'll stick to, although what I really do want is a cabinet incubator, and you're right, I would be hatching way, way too many chicks with one fo those lol.
I posted on this earlier today on another bator post. I have a LG with fan added, Hova Bator with fan added..see the theme here my stores don't carry the fan already installed but it's rather easy to are the instructions
Hand to DH with a screwdriver and say "install it please"
has worked every time for me.
I also have a Genesis..the Hova Bator for the simple minded.It's preset so you add the water and turner and life is less complicated.
My opinions I have all 3 running right now
LG-not bad slow to get up to temp if it falls holds humidity OK I won't buy another but nothing wrong with it overall.I have had the worst early losses from this one as it turns out but with shipped eggs I'm not jumping to the bator as the problem...tip toeing not jumping .

Hova Bator-temps will adjust quickly if have to play with it like the LG until you find the right temp. Holds humidity well.I do like this one and have been using it for the incubation process...I stager hatch so I move them out on day 18 to hatch.Have lost very few in the early stages.
Genesis-BEST by far gets up to temp in a mater of minutes.Holds humidity real well and the big picture window makes watching the hatching fun(we homeschool) I put 7 eggs in on day 18 to hatch this week..all candled well and all 7 babies have been born alive
Now for the cabinet incubators I DON'T recommend them at all...200 eggs every 21 days that's A LOT of chickens for those of us that have NO self control
If you can get past that they're great. If you have the money to spend, cabinet bators are the way to go. I found mine used for $300. I wouldn't have been to get one unless it was used and priced right. The Genisis is great for smaller amounts of eggs and for kids to watch them hatching. Cabinet bators are great for more eggs and staggered hatches. The staggered hatches was the feature I liked best. I can set new eggs every week with only one bator. Just move them down to the hatcher on day 19, and let the rest up top continue to turn and incubate.
I agree cabinet bators are super.My dh is a builder and working on one for me but the kids like to watch the hatches so the Genesis has to stay as well. One small bator will only be good the first hatch then your addicted and will need more..or we need a 12 step program either way have fun
Thanks everyone, since, I definately lack the self control factor, I think I'll look into the genesis. Is it big enough for a 40 egg turner?
Yes. I think most of the Genisis come with a 40 egg turner. I was thinking about selling mine, but as soon as I do, my Sportsman will breakdown mid incubation and I'll be toast.

If you watch Craigslist you may find a used one reasonably priced. I have also seen quite a few on Ebay at times.

Also, if you and your friends mechanically inclined, there are many plans and ideas on the BYC and the net for building your own. There are many people who had great success with homemade ones. That will be your cheapest solution, but will require some effort.
I have the 1588 Genesis and I love it! Just plug it in... let it warmup.. then add water, turner, and eggs... and your set! My turner holds 42 eggs.
I got everything I needed with shipping for $180

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