IncuTherm Plus™ Hatch Monitor?????


8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
I have 2 digital themometers and hygrometers, 1 analog Thermometer, and 1 analog hygrometer measuring my eggs in my present hatch. (I am on my 1st hatch day 17)

The only problem is that NONE of them agree... and they are 2 full degrees F off in disagreement.

I even did the 32degree ice water test with the same results.
no...none of them can be adjusted/recalibrated....

Im running on an average of all 3... which stinks ...

soooo, deeply annoyed, I just purchased this:
(waiting for it in the mail... it will arrive too late...)

IncuTherm Plus™ Hatch Monitor

What do you guys think of this product?

The other one I have is this one...
and it is Stupid SLOW, like hours slow to adjust, and I have no idea if it is correct...
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Start this again... I'd like to know. What do you all think is the best thermometer and/or hydrometer?

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