Indian Runner Help 911

chick wannabe

In the Brooder
Apr 29, 2017
Hi all... I have a question about my Indian Runner. To explain her story she was one of 6 ducks purchased in March of this year. She however was injured somehow at about 2 months old. Her joint was very swollen and she could no longer use that leg. I tried to treat for Nician and other things I had read about. We splinted her leg and she was on Baytril and Metacam for awhile and nothing seemed to help. I X-rayed her leg several times and there was no obvious break but the vets I work for are not bird vets. Long story not so short (sorry) she still can not use that leg at all. At this point the leg is turned in. So I took her home to care for her the best I can. I leave her up in her pin when we are not home but when we are here she is in her pool which she loooooves!! However in the last couple of weeks since moving her outside in a bigger pen she has all but stopped eating. She acts fine in her pool she nibbles off the top but really isn't eating enough at all. I can now tell she is losing weight. I can feel her breat bone all the way down. I'm very worried about Peggy Blue can anyone please help!!
Ginger is an appetite stimulant if ya can get her to eat some. Also, never met a duck that didn't love peas. And mine also love dandelion greens which are very nutrient rich and have healing properties. I have a pigeon toed duck and she is slower but gets around. Hope she gets stronger and all works out...keep us posted.
Maybe pain is her problem, Might want to check on keeping her on Metacam long term since it doesn't sound like the leg is going to ever be right. At least she maybe with less pain and that might make her feel like eating. I'd talk with the vets about it.
It might good idea to start with metacam get the pain under control then gradually switch to Tumeric I like the idea of using natural but she may need to start on something strong.
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