Last 2 things I needed to do on the coop. Now I just need to wait for Tim who is building me a nest box and said he would help put up my run.
Good news!! Chicks are hatching at my house!!
Three out so far. The first, a BR/BR cross. I think because its all black with white on its wing tips, head and a cute lil' bib, s/he hatched at 6:20-30 this morning before I left for church. The second two seemed to have hatched just within the window of 12:00- to now and one is also a BR/BR cross looking one and the third is an adorable little BR/EE cross! I'm so excited about it! Its small but seemingly energetic with steel grey lookin' down though its still wet and covered in egg yuck! Lol when I got down there I checked on them and saw the two still wet chicks climbing around in a bowl full of damp cotton balls. I was afraid they'd drown but fortunately its dry and they are getting their land legs. The ee/be had a large piece of egg on its head and some long thread of pinkish looking stuff wrapping from its leg to its back. Its not tight and it doesn't seem to notice so I'm assuming its just left over from the chickens umbilical cord.
at least that's what my dad and I are calling it. Two eggs had beaks stickin' out so hopefully I'll have five more to go home to. The ratio and possible mutt types: 1 definite BR/EE cross and 4 BR/BR, BR/RIR, BR/NJG. {We only have one too and he is a Barred Rock so that helps, though it may only be RIR/BR crosses for the brown eggs since we lost our black hens around the time I started collecting the eggs so I don't know if we got some of her eggs or not. Guess I'll find out but I'm really hoping a few more blue eggs hatch! I want a EE roo so bad!

Thanks for the advice and ideas and such on the nipple waterers. It'll help when I start to plan mine!

Ooh yeah! Thank Jchnny hope I can attend id love it! This is a sell/barter thing as well? I may have to arrange the purchasing of chicks or eggs while I'm there.
Wow, looking fantastic!
x2 love it

Pecking order, right?

Congrats! What is a BR/BR cross? I know BR is Barred Rock. What else is it?

I've never heard of that, either, but sure is a pretty pup.

Progress today! DH nailed up a bunch more boards, and I made this! I goofed up a lot and DH had to help me some, but mostly I did all the sawing and nailing. He just pulled some nails out for me and nailed up another board at the top of the door when I made it about an inch too short. Whoops! The boards that aren't red are recycled from an IKEA bunkbed. They are coming in handy for all kinds of things. Whatever is left over will be used for my raised beds.

Loving that the trees are greening up, finally.

Also had one of my other sons clean out the coop with a rake. There were old pine shavings in there and a bunch of old nasty poop "rocks." EWwwwww
I wish I had a pressure washer. Will have to figure something out.

My chicks come a week from this coming Tuesday.
My youngest son (the model with the door) says to me "I hope mine is alive when it gets here." I guess I have been to frank about the dangers of shipping. Oh, well, I guess he is "prepared" just in case.

Hope you all enjoyed this awesome weather this weekend.
looking good, wonderful weather this weekend.

Quail on lock down.
good luck,

Our newest dog Belle.
very cute, so is the pup lol
Saw your post on Indiana you have any chickens for sale? We are wanting some on or about May 12th. Thanks...we can pick them up.

sue giebler
just found this thread, I'm in Markleville... close to Anderson. I have LF Brahmas. I'm adding Blue and Buff Orpington's to the flock, they are 3 weeks old and I have 5 blues with 12 brahmas do to hatch tomorrow.


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