Thought I'd post this here too as some may be interested. (I also posted in the Natural Chicken Keeping thread.) ........... Some musings on GM/Glyphosate You know I have posted in the past that I'm wondering if glyphosate (common name: roundup) may be a bigger issue (or at least as big) as the GM grains. In fact, I've wondered if that is the main issue rather than the GM but I'm just "wondering" based on the research I've read and common-sense deduction. When a plant is GM, it is engineered to be able to withstand a higher level of glyphosate and other herbicides so that it can survive while the weeds are not able to withstand it. (Of course we are starting to have roundup resistant super weeds but that's a different subject.) The glyphosate is taken INTO the doesn't just reside "ON" the plant. Glyphosate has been proven to cause reproductive problems in humans and animals among other things (such as leaky gut, for example). Anyhow...interesting article regarding glyphosate and "celiac" or "gluten sensitivity" that I thought I'd share for anyone that may be interested. "Hi-lights" of the article:
That is actually pretty significant, I know that pesticides at least some of them stay in your body and increase in amount. While some will leave the body a partial amount becomes concentrated and is absorbed into our tissue and organs. I have taken a couple environmental sociology classes. It made me quit using bleach all together. (But I guiltily own a pool...) And pesticides and herbicides. Rachel Carson wrote an amazing book Silent Spring.
Some of my little road runners!





Brad I must say you have some odd looking!ing birds! Lol some of those give me the creeps! Lmbo. Oh BTW...the pullet I got from you...crowed today. Lol. Hmmm have you bn t any swaps with WCB polish boys yet?
Brad I must say you have some odd looking!ing birds! Lol some of those give me the creeps! Lmbo. Oh BTW...the pullet I got from you...crowed today. Lol. Hmmm have you bn t any swaps with WCB polish boys yet?
Haha. I love the odd ones! Which "pullet"? That's awfully late for it to mature into a roo! And nope, haven't been to any swaps. I plan to go to the Lebanon show and hopefully the NE swap that Ccccccccchickens is putting on. I'll look for ya.
Peafowl are on my list!
I've loved them for years, since going to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo was a big part of my childhood.
A friend of mine is breeding peafowl (blue, white, pied) and I know she'll have more come spring. If you're still looking to add by then, send me a PM and I'll put you in touch with her. She's great - her place is an amazing set up for all kinds of exotic birds and she babies them all. :)
Well, since my niece gave me whatever miserable disease she brought home from kindergarten, which has naturally just started making me truly miserable the night before my own class, I guess I'll go to bed.
G'night, all!

Take care of yourself! That enterovirus D68 that is around the country has recently been confirmed here in Indiana. It's also officially in Illinois, Kentucky, and Ohio (plus a bunch of other states). If you or your niece start having breathing trouble, go to the ER.
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@jeepgrl @AnnaPi @granny hatchet @MnMPoultry @chickiebaby1 @RedRidge @Rhandi74 @Indyshent @Faraday40 @LKShepherd @sdetwiler333 @ernestrec @Urbanmom519 @chknbrdr

Welcome to all New Members!
I realize that I have welcomed many of you before, but I haven't been posting our thread information since @atrueb00 has been working on streaming all of our info.
She's been doing an amazing job! We've been discussing some logistics since BYC has parameters, for example, not being allowed to post a pdf. So, in the meantime, here is our Indiana Thread information for new members, seasoned members, lurkers, or anyone interested:

(I'm too tired -- it's 2:30am CST -- to link names below)

Note to @chknbrdr One of our members, @pbirdhaven participated at the Bloomington event last year. She's very nice, so you could PM her to find out more information.

About the Indiana BYC Thread
To participate on the Indiana Thread, we ask that you follow’s rules for family-friendly posts. We welcome members of all ages. We also welcome Honorary Hoosier members from other states. Our Indiana thread is consistently BYC’s most active state thread because our members are supportive, respectful of each other’s opinions, interesting, and fun!

The Indiana Thread is a diverse group of fantastic members who range from newbies to experienced chicken owners, those who raise chickens for healthful food, and others who enjoy chickens as pets. And we love photos! Posts are not limited to the topic of chickens—we have several members with livestock, bees, and gardens (among other things). There is no such thing as a “dumb” question! Whatever your questions may be, we likely have members who can help you.

If you have any questions about this thread, please PM @jchny2000 (Janet) who is the founder (thread starter) of this group.

Avatars with Indiana County Map
If anyone would like an Indiana map with your county highlighted to add to your avatar or an avatar created with your county and a chicken, please PM @Mother2Hens (Julie). While reading members’ posts, it’s helpful to glance at their avatars to see what part of the state they’re from. These avatars are not required—they are a free service if you’re interested. Avatar updates are also free.

Indiana BYC Google Map
@CluckAcres (Curtis) set up an Indiana map to mark locations of feed stores and chicken swaps/auctions. Members, if they wish, may mark their county locations. If you’d like help adding a location, please PM atrueb00 (Amy).

Indiana BYC Members’ List
Check out our members on the INDIANA BYC Members’ List. “Being a member of this thread” just means adding your screen name and flock info, which can be helpful because the list is a spreadsheet format that lets you sort the list by breed, county, or other category. It’s an easy way to find other members who have the same breed you have or who live in a nearby county, etc. If you’d like to be added, send a PM (personal message) to @Mother2Hens (Julie), @bradselig (Brad) or @CRSelvey (Cheryl). A personal message ensures that your info is added. Please send your screen name, county, and city. Also include info about each member of your flock: List each species (chicken, duck, etc.), breed (Barred Rock, Blue Cochin, etc.), is it a LF (Large Fowl) or Bantam? If you breed, please include information.

Indiana BYC Topics/Links Page
Our thread members share their unique experiences and favorite links on a variety of topics including chicken health, coop building (keeping in mind Indiana weather and area predators), raising other livestock, beekeeping and much more! If you ‘d like to submit information, please PM @atrueb00 (Amy).

Indiana BYC Google Calendar

Poultry Shows and Swap/Auctions are listed. Watch for Chickenfest 2015 announcements! If you know of an event to add, please PM @atrueb00 (Amy).

Volunteers Appreciated!
We’re always in need of helpful members to compile or update information or to work on special events. It’s nothing formal—just pitch in when you can.
We also welcome ideas that you’d like to pursue. Just PM @jchny2000 (Janet), @Mother2Hens (Julie), @ bradselig (Brad), @CRSelvey (Cheryl) for more information.
I really, really, really hate moving birds around! They NEVER go into the coops on their own at bed time. Such a pain to go out after dark and try to corral them into the coops.

Oooh I so agree!! Out of 19 on day 3 I still have 3 roosting outside on broody breakers and a forth roosting in a tree!
Which shes lucky i just happened to notice her going into the tree because she's slept every night since I moved them because no matter how long I spent out with a flashlight wandering through the woods I couldn't find her! Makes sense now that she was never on the ground.

I haven't had that since my crazy Polish girls hence the RIP. I hope this girl decides it's better in the coop.

Out of 19 ..15 putting themselves up for the night isn't too bad. Better than none! Had tgat before. These are the only ones though. .even now after months of putting them up every night my Silkies are all climbing the ladder to sleep in their coop! Love that!

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