They are all beauties :love special wishes going out to your lil Cubby. I would have brought her in too.
Aww poor chubby. She is one of my favs you have-obviously by pics lol.
[COLOR=900000]Thanks for the well wishes for old Cub! She seems to be doing well now that she's in at a stable temperature. I have no idea why she was struggling so much over the past few months! Here's hoping her winter lodging will have her back on her feet by spring. Or sooner... I love the bird, but not so much the odor she produces... :lol: [/COLOR]
I got my yarn yesterday and dove right in. I used up all of my rug yarn but I have something really soft to squish my toes in now. :) First project finished. :) It gave me something to do while my little paints hatch.
[COLOR=000090]This is beautiful! :love I love the colors![/COLOR]
This is too cute! Do the mamas ever try to hop out?[/COLOR]
No they stay with the babies. :) When they get tired of being moms they may try though.
[COLOR=900000] :lol: Sounds like it's going to be interesting at your place in a few weeks! It occurred to me after posting that these are Silkies we're talking about... :rolleyes: [/COLOR]
Haven't had a whole lot of time here lately -- been busy having booths (and making more items to restock) at craft bazaars the last couple of weekends & this coming one too.  Just a reminder for all 4-Her's out there (you've probably heard this but our local club leaders are panicking that not everyone will remember :rolleyes: ):  online enrollment started November 1 and ends January 15 for all of Indiana.  If a 4-Her enrolls after January 15 they can do their project but they will not be allowed to exhibit/show at their fair.  Enrollment is so easy to put off doing -- don't want anyone to forget about it with the holidays coming up.  As long as 1 project is selected a 4-Her can complete enrollment.  Other projects can be added/dropped after January 15.

Thank you for the reminder! Last year the boys were unable to show.
I've had Marigolds around my coops since it was built. The chickens love them!!! To the point they will eat em down to the roots of you let em! Lol
If they like marigolds that much maybe I will plant some that I can give them for treats
do they prefer orange or yellow? It is fun to grow stuff like that. Let's see I have a bunch of bushes and plants for the song birds so why not spoil the chickens too... lol it's fun being a garden nerd
If they like marigolds that much maybe I will plant some that I can give them for treats
do they prefer orange or yellow? It is fun to grow stuff like that. Let's see I have a bunch of bushes and plants for the song birds so why not spoil the chickens too... lol it's fun being a garden nerd

They aren't "pretty" but the best treat I've found is grape vines. I planted a couple small potted "concord" vines that really took off. They are 3-4 years old now and have spread roughly 15ft in both directions. I have them growing on top of a chain link fence dog kennel. They produced pounds and pounds of fresh treats from the beginning of August through October. I froze several gallon zip locks to give them in the winter. My birds start jumping up and eating grapes before theyre even ripe. After they do ripen, I either collect them or they just fall off and get eaten.

They provide nice shade in the summer as well. They grow large 6" leaves that attracts lots of bugs too.
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They aren't "pretty" but the best treat I've found is grape vines. I planted a couple small potted "concord" vines that really took off. They are 3-4 years old now and have spread roughly 15ft in both directions. I have them growing on top of a chain link fence dog kennel. They produced pounds and pounds of fresh treats from the beginning of August through October. I froze several gallon zip locks to give them in the winter. My birds start jumping up and eating grapes before theyre even ripe. After they do ripen, I either collect them or they just fall off and get eaten.

They provide nice shade in the summer as well. They grow large 6" leaves that attracts lots of bugs too.

I want to do this!

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