I have read somewhere that families with a child or 2 are trying to live in tiny houses too.  Maybe it would be possible in a mainly good weather climate but here we spends months inside.  I can't think of where I could let the children be active if the house was not at least 1000 sq ft.  Mine is larger than 1000 and we are trying to add more livable space to that.  We also had thoughts of moving my parents in at a much later date in the future if need be.  Another reason for a bit more space. 

I love the idea of a small cottage. Then the kids walk in the room! ! Haha!
We have 4 boys (19, 14, 8 & 5) granted the oldest is away at college, but OMG I still go nuts when all of them want to play and romp around in our living room yet they have 1400 sqft in the basement alone with basketball goals, foosball, air hockey and their very own 55" tv with Xbox name it. ..and they would rather be right on top of us! Hahaha! Same thing in the summer! Pool, playhouse...but nope they're inside! Funny how as a parent you try to provide all the things you think what you would've gave to have half the things but nope..not them.. Sorry rambling. .but just something my DH and I talk about often!
I have read somewhere that families with a child or 2 are trying to live in tiny houses too. Maybe it would be possible in a mainly good weather climate but here we spends months inside. I can't think of where I could let the children be active if the house was not at least 1000 sq ft. Mine is larger than 1000 and we are trying to add more livable space to that. We also had thoughts of moving my parents in at a much later date in the future if need be. Another reason for a bit more space.
We were very conscious of our space usage when we built our house a few years ago. Our previous house had both a living room and a family room area on the main floor. The living room was way underused. We designed our new house (my husband is an architect) so that every room would be a regularly used space. The kitchen is large with a large island since it is the main heart/gathering space of our home. We actually started with the kitchen in our design plans and figured out the rest of the house around it. The kitchen/dining room/living room is all open with no walls dividing them so it feels like a huge open space, but is not bigger square-footage -wise than before. That's the space we live in as a family -- usually I'm busy in the kitchen while everyone else is doing something, but we're all together. The other unique thing we did is have the kitchen face the road so I can watch what's going on out front, see who drives in, and watch when the deer come out in the orchard across the road, etc. (I joked with our builder that I wanted the window above my kitchen sink to be centered between the rows of trees in the orchard so I could see between them -down the rows where the deer are -- he actually got it placed that way in the end -- not sure if by luck or on purpose, though!) Our living room windows look out to the pond, the barn and the animals. We love how it's laid out!
On other 5 eggs didn't make hatch! I have decided I hate my incubator!

Now my peachick that had a injury a few weeks back is now heading to the vet tomorrow! I feel bad but because of the holidays I hadn't had time to thoroughly look over the flock and it wasn't until Sunday I was shocked to see her come out of the coop looking like she'd lost an eye! ! Fortunately that isn't the case but poor baby! I'm leaning towards a injury or sinus infection! My teenage son informed me he saw her like this Saturday but assumed I knew so he didn't mention it til today! Shaking my head!
I grew up in the house my dad grew up in. It was a big old farm house built in the late 1800's or very early 1900's. Or maybe it seemed big to me:) It had a dirt floor basement, a gigantic cast iron wood burning furnace and all the rooms were big. It had an attached wood shed next to the summer kitchen. I carried more wood in my childhood than I ever have as an adult. Families were bigger back then, and people were more self-sufficient. I thinks trends change and people build according to those trends. I prefer the old farm house and its one lonely bath to my ranch with the finished basement anyday. I miss the long windows, and cornfield "playhouses" with their pretend rooms and the old chicken coop in the back. A chicken coop I can only dream of today. We were sort of backwards growing up, and my mom was a Mother Earth type who canned our way through the winters. I'm only 40, and back then I thought we were weird. Now I appreciate it.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I've thankfully been able to stay caught up with the thread, just haven't posted very much. just fj ishe day first 80hr work week last week and was beat. Hopefully Ill be back to the normal schedule soon. I did have some hatches recently, but of a different type! These two little guys hatched within the last two days. By far the best pet lizards out there!
I'm watching a good day to die about the American Indian movement (AIM) and its founders

If you find this interesting you might read Bury My Hart at Wounded Knee. The Authors last name is Brown I think his first name is Dee but don't hold me to it.

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