Hey, I like those T-shirts! Nice work.

Hi Everyone! Once again, I am planning on becoming a regular on the thread again. I have really missed everyone!
Thank you to all who checked on my whereabouts--lol. I sincerely do appreciate the messages!

We last left off (I'll make this short) when my DH had his second melanoma surgery-- he’s fine. I had a weird lengthy ear infection-- I’m fine. I have been going back and forth to Louisville every week because my oldest sister had cancer surgery-- she’s fine, but recovering. My DH made a round trip to IU today to pick up our younger daughter who has a chronic illness. She’ll feel better. Needless to say, between the holidays, work, and family illnesses, I’ve been exhausted.

My 11 pet chickens are all doing well! Since Nene’s passing, my LF flock has been co-ruled by my 2.5 year old black&white “sisters” (I got them as pullets from a farm) -- my Barred Rock, Tweedy, and SLW Lacey. Tweedy is the flock leader outside of the coop, and Lacey is the flock leader inside the coop. That seems unusual to me…has anyone else every had Co-Flock Leaders? My EE, Road Runner, wants so badly to perch with Tweedy and Lacey at night, but they peck her away. Road Runner then knocks my two giant English Orpingtons off the perch (until I lock up the coop and put a partition between her and the Orps--lol). My blue silkie, Smalty, perches between the Orps, and my splash silkie, Ditzy, sleeps in a nesting box. In a smaller coop, my chocolate bantam Orp, Bonbon, still resides with her three “babies” -- black bantam Cochins who are now laying. One is still half the size of the other two and is especially adorable.

I am looking forward to re-connecting with old friends and getting to know new members!


I am so relieved and very happy you guys are all ok
We have sure missed you. Remission is the key word in cancer. My mom won so far, its been 13 years since her cancer terrified all of us.
On your question, yes. Often the alpha will call a truce eventuallly and chose an equal leader after a lot of arguments. The larger the flock grows you will see it more often.
Mornin all! Glad to see M2H has returned. Has definitely been a while! Now if we could just reclaim some of the other missing members! So many we haven't heard from in a long time! Is anyone else as excited for Chickenfest 2015 as I am? Lol. Hoping my Momma will join me this year I think she'd really like you guys, she's not a chicken person (just doesn't "get it", lol) but she is a people person and I'm sure she'd fit right in.
I've been talking with JChnny about adding turkeys to my little homestead this spring. Checked out the Porterturkey site until 3 am today. Those are some absolutely beautiful birds!!! If I decide to go ahead with the addition (poult price is a little prohibitive for me) I'm definitely adding Heritage birds. Wish I was closer to you all so could possibly get from members of thread, but 15 poults minimum order and price for that and shipping, no can do. I've asked around here a little but so far am not pleased with the condition of the birds, area they live in or people who "think" they are good breeders of them around here. I guess that's something else WV residents aren't good at. Lol. (Besides keeping teeth in their mouths and their kids in school, and birth control)
Well anyway, just wanted to pop in and say Hi and see what everyone is up to these days. So sorry for everyone's losses of the Roos, is weird so many are just dropping off like that! I hope no one else loses any.
Ok time to get off of here and go to the Therapy house, I mean...Chicken coop... Have to check on a few babies this morning. Have a GREAT day!
Elda 'Elly-cuddles' the Silver Gray Dorking. I apparently didn't get any pictures of Kit-kit, her 'twin'. :/ Oh, well.
Aww, bet they are feeling stir crazy. Going to be even warmer Sunday! We have 50 predicted here but some rain too.
Stir-crazy is right! They seem happy today, though. I cleaned the coop out this morning, so they had lots of old shavings to scratch through in the chicken yard. :) It's the simple things for them. :lol: It was already in the 40's by the time I got out to the girls! I haven't checked, but I'm hoping we reach 50 as well! I think old Cubby might be up for a short visit outside if we do. :fl I hope the flock hasn't forgotten her!
We have been talking about turkeys a bit lately. Here is what the "taste test"comparison was by Mother Earth News: For those looking into keeping turkeys, there are some important points to know. Breed and type are most important. [cut] BYC has some excellent threads to follow. Will give you a lot of personal opinion and a wealth of info. Last years: Closed but lots of good info here:
The taste test article was interesting! I never think to consider different varieties as having different meat qualities. It was pretty mind-blowing reading about that in chickens! :lol: Especially in such precious birdies as Dorkings--who could ever eat such darlings? (I know, I know, I'm just being a crazy chicken lady. ;) ) I thought about turkeys for a long time, but now I'm not sure. It's between them and Peafowl, I think. Maybe both. Obviously neither right now, though--they're both susceptible to MG. :/
[COLOR=8B4513]Hey, I like those T-shirts! Nice work. [/COLOR]:) [COLOR=8B4513]Hi Everyone! Once again, I am planning on becoming a regular on the thread again. I have really missed everyone![/COLOR] :( [COLOR=8B4513]Thank you to all who checked on my whereabouts--lol. I sincerely do appreciate the messages! [/COLOR]:p
Welcome back! Glad everything seems to be turning out all right in your neck of the woods! :) My flock is big enough that I don't have a distinct flock leader, honestly. There are certain hens that no one messes with, but for the most part, none of those hens are more dominant than the others. I do notice that some of them take dominion over certain areas, such as the Easter-egger drama queen sisters, dual masters of the nest boxes, or Marama, queen ruler of the grape vine perch in the chicken yard, or Freema, her lady highness queen of all human-chicken interactions. :rolleyes: Seems like the same dozen or so hens (including Freema and the dramatic EE sisters) are on the top two perches in the coop every night, so they must be the really pushy ones!
Mornin all! Glad to see M2H has returned. Has definitely been a while! Now if we could just reclaim some of the other missing members! So many we haven't heard from in a long time! Is anyone else as excited for Chickenfest 2015 as I am? Lol. Hoping my Momma will join me this year I think she'd really like you guys, she's not a chicken person (just doesn't "get it", lol) but she is a people person and I'm sure she'd fit right in. I've been talking with JChnny about adding turkeys to my little homestead this spring. Checked out the Porterturkey site until 3 am today. Those are some absolutely beautiful birds!!! If I decide to go ahead with the addition (poult price is a little prohibitive for me) I'm definitely adding Heritage birds. Wish I was closer to you all so could possibly get from members of thread, but 15 poults minimum order and price for that and shipping, no can do. I've asked around here a little but so far am not pleased with the condition of the birds, area they live in or people who "think" they are good breeders of them around here. I guess that's something else WV residents aren't good at. Lol. (Besides keeping teeth in their mouths and their kids in school, and birth control) Well anyway, just wanted to pop in and say Hi and see what everyone is up to these days. So sorry for everyone's losses of the Roos, is weird so many are just dropping off like that! I hope no one else loses any. Ok time to get off of here and go to the Therapy house, I mean...Chicken coop... Have to check on a few babies this morning. Have a GREAT day!
I'm pretty stoked for Chickenfest 2015 as well! I feel like I let my shyness get the better of me last year and didn't do much interacting. Hope to remedy that this year! (But no guarantees. :oops: ) Chicken therapy--that's the best kind! If you couldn't tell by all the pictures I've posted in the last 48 hours, I've been getting my fair share of it as well. :D
Hi Julie!! :) Okay everyone, here is my fist hatch of all lf cochins from my birds. :) they are so cute! They are already spoken for, but if antone wants bbs lf cochin eggs, I have them now. :)
Adorable! :love Wish I could take you up on that. I miss my little Cochin guy! Edited for wording. Y'know, same ol', same ol'.
Last edited:
Hey, I like those T-shirts! Nice work.

Hi Everyone! Once again, I am planning on becoming a regular on the thread again. I have really missed everyone!
Thank you to all who checked on my whereabouts--lol. I sincerely do appreciate the messages!

We last left off (I'll make this short) when my DH had his second melanoma surgery-- he’s fine. I had a weird lengthy ear infection-- I’m fine. I have been going back and forth to Louisville every week because my oldest sister had cancer surgery-- she’s fine, but recovering. My DH made a round trip to IU today to pick up our younger daughter who has a chronic illness. She’ll feel better. Needless to say, between the holidays, work, and family illnesses, I’ve been exhausted.

My 11 pet chickens are all doing well! Since Nene’s passing, my LF flock has been co-ruled by my 2.5 year old black&white “sisters” (I got them as pullets from a farm) -- my Barred Rock, Tweedy, and SLW Lacey. Tweedy is the flock leader outside of the coop, and Lacey is the flock leader inside the coop. That seems unusual to me…has anyone else every had Co-Flock Leaders? My EE, Road Runner, wants so badly to perch with Tweedy and Lacey at night, but they peck her away. Road Runner then knocks my two giant English Orpingtons off the perch (until I lock up the coop and put a partition between her and the Orps--lol). My blue silkie, Smalty, perches between the Orps, and my splash silkie, Ditzy, sleeps in a nesting box. In a smaller coop, my chocolate bantam Orp, Bonbon, still resides with her three “babies” -- black bantam Cochins who are now laying. One is still half the size of the other two and is especially adorable.

I am looking forward to re-connecting with old friends and getting to know new members!

So glad to see you back posting again. Have really missed you. Hope things slow down a little for ya and you can get some rest and relaxation. Hope to see you at Chickenfest this year.
Mornin all! Glad to see M2H has returned. Has definitely been a while! Now if we could just reclaim some of the other missing members! So many we haven't heard from in a long time! Is anyone else as excited for Chickenfest 2015 as I am? Lol. Hoping my Momma will join me this year I think she'd really like you guys, she's not a chicken person (just doesn't "get it", lol) but she is a people person and I'm sure she'd fit right in.
I've been talking with JChnny about adding turkeys to my little homestead this spring. Checked out the Porterturkey site until 3 am today. Those are some absolutely beautiful birds!!! If I decide to go ahead with the addition (poult price is a little prohibitive for me) I'm definitely adding Heritage birds. Wish I was closer to you all so could possibly get from members of thread, but 15 poults minimum order and price for that and shipping, no can do. I've asked around here a little but so far am not pleased with the condition of the birds, area they live in or people who "think" they are good breeders of them around here. I guess that's something else WV residents aren't good at. Lol. (Besides keeping teeth in their mouths and their kids in school, and birth control)
Well anyway, just wanted to pop in and say Hi and see what everyone is up to these days. So sorry for everyone's losses of the Roos, is weird so many are just dropping off like that! I hope no one else loses any.
Ok time to get off of here and go to the Therapy house, I mean...Chicken coop... Have to check on a few babies this morning. Have a GREAT day!

i don't have turkeys but the place i'm ordering sweet potatoes from offer poultry and turkey is listed under that category. they say they do heritage breeds but i have no experience of their quality as i've never bought their poultry for myself and i'll know how their sweet potatoes perform when i harvest them this fall. it's my first time buying from them.
REPOSTING AND ADDING THE DEADLINE: The Deadline to order a T-Shirt is March 7th. We currently have a goal of 50 shirts to partially fund the 2015 Chicken Fest. There will ONLY be one more fundraiser to help fund the 2015 Chicken Fest.

T-Shirts for the 2015 Chicken Fest are now available. Once ordered they will ship mid March. Cost is $17 per shirt with a per order charge of $5 for shipping.

Coming Soon:
Preview pictures of potential items for the next fundraiser
Voting on the very last 2015 Chicken fest item
Details about a design contest for the 2016 fundraiser items
I just want to say after catching up on the thread I loved all the pictures! So in that spirit I would like to share some of my hatches from this winter.

These are from my red Pyle modern games


Here is my chocolate bantam orphington chicks of various ages.




This is my lone bantam call duck that hatched today.

Here are my newest bielfelders, I absolutely love this breed. I wish I would have taken pictures of the my adults.


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